Elinora’s Status Report for 04/22/23

Over the past two weeks since my status report, I first set up the WiFi on the Jetson with the new WiFi dongle that we ordered. I had issues connecting to the ethernet in HH in order to set up the dongle initially, and had to re-register the Jetson as my device for wired internet use through CMU Computing. After that, the setup for the dongle was pretty straightforward. We are now able to connect the Jetson to a phone WiFi hotspot (or CMU-SECURE) and ssh into the Jetson remotely. 

I also worked with Sirisha to implement audio feedback and add it into the CV classification code. We were slightly delayed on this task because we needed to order another connector to account for the port differences on the Nano (we had initially planned for the speaker to connect into the USB C port on the Xavier). We then conducted a stationary test on her laptop looking away from the screen for >2s and were able to trigger the audio feedback playing through the speaker. 

For the web app, I set up cloud storage with firebase firestore. I tested adding and retrieving documents from the firestore in the web app itself. I set up hosting for the web app using firebase as well. 

My progress is mostly on schedule – I am behind on integrating data from the device into the web app, but this is because we decided to deprioritize the web app in favor of making sure the device itself works well. This upcoming week before our public demo, I will add code to store feedback data from the device directly into the firestore. After we set up account authentication, I will also add filtering of the feedback logs so that the user can only see logs for their own device. 


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