This week, I spent most of the time working on the web application. I worked on getting the initial setup of all of the pages done, making the HTML and CSS as close as possible to what we designed a few weeks earlier, making the JavaScript allow us to go between pages and interact with them properly, and figuring out how to incorporate ways to display graphs and metrics on the web application. I also worked on integrating the web application with Firebase, but there have been a few issues in terms of configurations that I am still in the process of figuring out. At this point, the web application is as finished as it can be before we integrate the data and aside from a few finishing touches.
Progress is a bit behind at the moment, and this is due to some unexpected changes popping up with the computer vision code. The teammate who is working on the eye tracking and facial detection has mentioned that in order to implement a certain part, we will need a different hardware component, so that also has to be ordered now and we need to wait for it. In the meantime, we have still been able to test with our computer’s webcam. Aside from the coding pushing back our integration with hardware and the need for new hardware components, everything else is on track. Hopefully once, these new parts are ordered, we should be able to make up any lost time. We also allocated a significant amount of buffer time, so everything will still be able to be completed.
For next week, we hope to have all of the hardware components finalized and delivered as well as the computer vision code done so we can start the integration process.