This past week, I worked mainly on the web application and testing and starting to set up the hardware. I continued to implement the designs of the pages that were worked on earlier. At the moment, almost all of the pages have been set up, and we are working on them making look like our designs. We are looking into Firebase as well as an authentication system to incorporate into the web application. I also started doing some testing of the hardware to make sure each component is working individually and, in the event we find something that requires us to use a different component and purchase something new, we want to have enough time for the order to be delivered and tested again. We had a concern regarding the Jetson because it could potentially use more power than what a standard car is able to provide, so we have been looking at possible alternatives if in practice the Jetson actually cannot work properly in a car. We also had to refine a few design choices, such as some more edge cases to consider with our project and if some features should actually be included, since we are getting conflicting feedback from faculty and TAs about this area. A good chunk of this week was also used to work on the ethics assignment.
Our progress was mostly on track for this past week. Due to the delay in our hardware components being delivered and some refinements we had to make in the computer vision algorithms, we weren’t able to integrate any hardware with software yet, and we are still testing individual components to make sure everything works. This part can’t be worked on much until the hardware is finalized and delivered, which should be able to be finished very soon due to the research and testing we did. The hosting of the website is also yet to be done, but that is something that should take a very short amount of time.
In the next week, we hope to have the eye tracking algorithms complete with the ability to detect the direction that the eye is looking in, the website should be hosted, and the hardware components should all be delivered and individually tested by then.