Xiao’s Weekly Status Update 03/11/2023

The past 2 weeks, including the Spring Break, had mainly two focuses. First one is to reorganize our team and get the design report written and submitted, and the second one is to order the parts and start building.

The design report was a big challenge for us. We stupidly ignored everyone’s advice on starting early, and left ourselves with barely enough time to finish the report. We did try our best to gather every piece of information we could on the parts chosen, and documented every step in coming up with our design. For the hardware part, I realize that we are missing information on the design trade-off studies. We are aware of that and we will not miss this critical part in our final report. The truth is, we messed up because we were all too busy with the sudden workload increase from multiple midterms, and we were focusing perhaps a little bit too much on actually building the device, rather than writing the report.

All the major components (components that cannot be sourced at a generic parts store or be found in my personal parts bin) have been sourced and have arrived during the spring break. Assembly has begun and hardware assembly is expected to be done by the end of this weekend, latest by the end of next week (Friday). I do expect little hiccups but so far so good. Currently RPi is setup with an OS running, and the UPS power source for the RPi is up and running (charging function still needs to be tested and API integration still needs to be done).

Team Status Report for 02/25/2023

This week’s focus has been mainly getting the design review presentation done, and reflect on the feedback from faculty members.

We have made preliminary design choices based on use case requirements, as outlined in our presentation. However, it was after receiving the feedback from faculty members, that we realized we’ve ignored a  very important step in the process. We directly based our design choices on use case requirements, because they were already quantitative metrics we were able to use when designing. However, it is very important to first translate these use case requirements to design requirements. It is a subtle difference, and in our case it probably wouldn’t have made an impact on our design choices, but nonetheless we should have done it as part of the product design process.

Our team is more or less on schedule. We have now passed another major milestone in the course, and with the spring break coming, time really is starting to look scarce. We originally planned to start ordering parts right after our design review presentation, but with the feedback we’ve gotten, we have decided to take some time and re-evaluate our choices. We’d like to document about each component as much as possible before the actual purchases are made, to be absolutely sure of the compatibility between components and the capability of them. Thus, we are going to meet next week, before the spring break, and finalize our component choices. Purchase orders are expected to go our before spring break.

Xiao’s Weekly Status Update 02/25/2023

This week I have been mainly focused on getting our  design choices right, and presenting for our design review.

During the searching for components for our design, I was amazed at the vast selection the Internet has to offer. Following advice from Professor Mukherjee, and after taking a closer look at some of the products, I realized that for a formal project, I cannot just go on Amazon and buy from the cheapest vendor. We need data sheets for the components. That’s what prompted me to eventually find all the electronic components on Adafruit. They have data sheets, and also some tutorials listed under every product we’ve chosen.

Preparing for the presentation was something I should have spent more time on. We kind of rushed through making the slides, leading to a couple of typos which I am not very proud of. The first time I actually went through all the slides and practiced was an hour before the presentation. Gladly, I think it went OK.

It is a fact, however, that we are still not that familiar with some of the quirks of the components we have chosen, but we are making progress. I think from this point on, us three as a team should most importantly be more proactive about deadlines. Sometimes I am busy because I am taking too many classes this semester, and I am glad my team mates could help out. However, in the end we are trying to avoid this sort of rushing before the deadline situation.

Xiao’s Weekly Status Update 02/18/2023

This week has been mostly focused on researching components we can use in our design. During the conversation with Professor Mukherjee and our TA Alex, it became very clear that we need to lay out every single detail we can think of in our design, and it will make our work much easier down the line.

I made some design choices:

  1. Buttons will be wired into a matrix, with diodes to achieve “N-key rollover”.
  2. Screen will be HDMI to avoid the use of GPIO pins. The smallest size HDMI screen for Pi from a good vendor is 5 inches. https://www.adafruit.com/product/2232
  3. Buttons will be an assortment of these in different colors. https://www.adafruit.com/product/1504
  4. Adafruit’s TDK InvenSense ICM-20948 9-DoF IMU is an ideal candidate for us. https://www.adafruit.com/product/4554
  5. https://www.adafruit.com/product/4133 This potentiometer is a good candidate for our analog inputs

Xiao’s Weekly Status Update 02/11/2023

  1. Researched existing enthusiast level DIY gaming steering wheels. There are a lot of 3D printed open source designs that we can borrow ideas from. There are also a lot of existing button layouts we can learn from. Researched feasibility of adding analog joysticks to Arduino for control. Researched components needed for an LCD screen to work with Arduino/Raspberry Pi.
    1. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4058270
    2. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3400357
    3. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2980569
    4. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4668185
    5. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2762839
    6. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5173152
    7. https://www.instructables.com/Create-a-Joystick-Using-the-Arduino-Joystick-Libra/
  2. So far I am on schedule.
  3. I will have the first version of components to purchase ready next week.