Last week all the team members are focusing on our primary goals to build or design the components of our tasks. We also spent time individually completing the ethics assignment.
The hardware system has built some successful demos of wiring and buttons. More progress on gyroscope and potentiometers will come soon by this weekend. The gyroscope system has detailed the function designs for the tunning and mapping of gyroscope readings. As the Windows laptop is received this weekend, there will be more developments on software by this weekend, though now it’s a little behind the schedule. Based on the discussion last Monday, I hope the current design of functions should provide a clearer view and explain the reason behind better. We can start running tests on this once the hardware is ready.
The team is a little bit behind the schedule considering the interim demo will be on the beginning of April. We are not sure about if the tunning design is a possible approach to solve the problems we have and only testing on hardware can answer this question. We should start testing as soon as possible.