Ian F’s Status Report for 4/29

This week I mainly focused on encasing and mounting options for our sensor module, specifically for our bike module. Prior to our final presentation, we were using a really crude method to prop up our module in order to avoid detecting the handle bar instead of the actual user.


So in order to improve our sensor positioning I developed a version of the case presented in last week’s report, adapted to the position in the pictures above. I utilized the center tray as the base for it and developed the following cases:

These cases were designed to be placed on top of the center tray from the bike and thus hinders our invasiveness goal sine it renders the tray useless for the user. However, this spot and method is the simplest way of mounting without redesigning the whole module or tampering with the dashboard. The case on the right is the first iteration which did not print smoothly on the corners on top evidenced by the curvature. In addition, this case is smaller and has a lower angle of elevation than the one on the right.

Nonetheless, after printing, I installed our module in both cases at the gym and adjusted the ADC reading based on threshold testing. This testing consisted of me standing upright at the very edge of the bike to see if I was detected or not, then riding the bike and tilting my body backwards in a way that would realistically mimic a user leaning back on the bike and observe how the module behaved. Clearly, we want the module to not detect a person standing behind the bike, but we want to be able to accurately detect a user on the bike even if he/she is leaning farther back than usual.

So after much trial and error I was able to determine a range of ADC values and test small variations in this value to ensure proper functioning of the system. I found that we had a lean-back vs out of range detection compromise. If we wanted to detect somebody leaning back we ran the risk of setting the threshold too low and detect a person standing at the very edge of the bike, while if we set the threshold too high we ran the risk of not detecting a user leaning back while guaranteeing a person standing at the edge was not. In light of this, I observed bike users in the gym and saw that most users leaned forward or stayed upright rather than lean back, So I decided to compromise a bit for the lean-back and focus on not detecting anybody at the edge.

With this in mind and as per the data tables and graphs we produced earlier on, I fixed the ADC reading threshold at a lower value from what was originally set for the treadmill in order to reduced the detection distance. In addition, I noticed that the larger case needed a lower threshold than the smaller one given the angle variations they had. Thus I also tested different heights of users in order to determine if the angle on the larger case was too high to accurately detect shorter users. Both cases, with different tuning, handled different heights satisfactorily (heights that are reasonable for users of the bike and heights that the manufacturer suggests, 4’9” to 6’5′).

With that out of the way I proceeded to perform the same tests and gym trials highlighted on the final presentation (document which highlights our unit testing – gym trials – and overall testing of the system – detection delay and accuracy). Our detection accuracy improved as expected, with pretty much only 1 trial failing under normal circumstances. Under extreme inclination (leaning back) the reading and detection was not stable and worked a little over half of the time, but this was to be expected as mentioned above. So we are betting that usage will not resemble this scenario and our detection threshold is appropriate.

Given that both cases performed similarly and better than the crude setup we had before the final presentation, it is now a matter of preference when it comes to choosing which model of the case to use. At the moment I am leaning towards using the larger angle one given that the smaller angle case is technically damaged. Thus if we choose to print the smaller one we would need 2 fresh prints whereas only 1 is needed for the larger angle one. This decision will save us time and costs. Nonetheless I believe our budget is still large enough to accommodate 2 fresh prints. so we will see.

So for next week we will perform more testing to see if either case has an edge, then fabricate them as part of our final system, and finally report our findings for the last set of deliverables we have for the upcoming week.

Team Status Report for 4/22

These last two weeks our project saw significant progress in preparation for the final round of deliverables and demonstrations. On the hardware and circuits side of things, we were able to pick up on our segmented progress and create mobile and compact sensor modules. The mounting mechanism and position is proving to be challenge so this will have to be dealt with so that it does not become a limitation for our system.

Having said this, we were able to fine tune and program our NodeMcu so that it could bridge the communication between sensor and web-app successfully. At the moment, we have 4 fully functioning modules and a web-app that has incorporated features like an admin page to ease the setup process and customizability of the system. So, on the integration front, we seem to have everything working. Thus, the remaining work to be done is mostly aesthetic and consists of polishing and refining our overall product.

For next week, we must conduct more testing with the sensor modules, determine if refinements to the NodeMcu code are necessary and implement them, polish the front-end of the web-app, ensure the back-end works as intended, and develop a demo plan for the week after our presentations.

Ian F’s Status Report for 4/22

For these past two weeks I have been working mostly on the physical components of the senor module. Parting from the last status report, I was able to develop a mobile and compact version of our sensor module. Following the wiring diagram from my last report, I proceeded to solder and glue everything together forming the following module pictured below:

Afterwards, in collaboration with Nat, I uploaded the modified script for the NodeMcu with the web-app integration and successfully produced 4 fully functioning modules with web-app occupancy capabilities:

Next, I shifted my focus on creating a 3D printed enacisng prototype for the modules using Solidworks and the Ender printers at the Techspark facilities. I created one unsuccessful one and proceeded to refine it to create a second more acceptable prototype pictured below:

While I waited for the fabrication of the prototype case to be completed I tested out the modules in the UC Gym and ran a couple trials to determine what parameters needed to be adjusted. The treadmill trials were a success since I was capable of detecting proper occupancy readings with 10 one-minute stand-in trials, 10 separate pass by’s behind the treadmills mimicking people walking by, 10 separate stand-ins outside the detection range in terms length, and 10 other stand-ins to the side of the machine. All of them worked successfully in terms of the hardware, meaning that the built-in LED of the NodeMcu (our physical indicator) lit up successfully every time.

When it came to the bikes, things did not run as smoothly. First off I had a lot of trouble finding a good mounting position. I was able to improvise a rather crude setup and proceeded to run the same tests I did for the treadmill. The main set that failed was the passer-by trials since the detection range was configured to the treadmills and therefore too long, meaning that the ADC reading boundary needs to be adjusted to fit the length of the bikes. All other trials were successful.

Nonetheless, there are some some significant concerns related to the mounting position of our modules on the gym equipment. The testing took place with a sensor module in a non-fixed position. This is a concern in the case of the treadmill because if some user were to incline the treadmill to the max or use the max speeds of the treadmill causing lots of vibration, the sensor module might slip and fall. In addition, the location in which it was placed is directly in front of a hole were gym user’s belongings can be placed, objects that if placed there would effectively obstruct the sensor module. As a result other mounting positions were considered but have proved to be challenging due to the flush design of the dashboard. On top of this, the bikes dashboards have awkward angles that made the testing of our modules quite difficult.

During this testing I realized that my encasing is not ideal and that perhaps a possible implementation with the sensor connected through wires but separated from the battery pack and the NodeMcu might be ideal. The ideal solution would require tampering with the machine dashboards and potentially drilling holes to add and safely secure the mounts for the modules. Nonetheless this is obviously not allowed. Thus, this might prove to be a setback and a potential impediment in our implementation plan.

Following the gym trials, I tested the module for power consumption more formally than last time since now the Wi-Fi capabilities of the NodeMcu were active. I measured that the sensor draws roughly 21mA. Nonetheless the NodeMcu readings were a bit inconclusive. During setup, the NodeMcu draws roughly 80mA but then drops down to roughly 26mA. However it jumps frequently to 80mA and back to the 20s range. This does not affect our 16.5 hour requirement but it does make calculating the precise consumption a bit hard. Thus, I believe we will use worst case consumption estimates to provide the overall battery life

In addition, other occupancy testing was done in a more controlled environment to see the full integration. These worked successfully for the most part with certain hiccups pertaining the back-end software implementation.

So, further analysis and refinements need to be made in terms of powere consumption and the software/sensor back-end before the final report and demo. Thus for next week I plan on preforming more testing on the modules for power and integration as well as and solving the issue of mounting the module on the gym equipment as best I can. The mounting issue threw me a bit off schedule, yet when it comes to the system as a whole, I would say that portion went according to plan.

Ian F’s Status Report for 4/8

This week significant progress was made on the sensor module compared to other weeks. First off, I decided to formalize the testing I described in previous reports integrating the NodeMcu with the IR sensor. For this testing, I set up my circuitry as depicted below:

The IR Sensor was powered by a lab power supply set at 4.8V and the NodeMcu was powered directly from my computer via MicroUSB. As you can see I decided to attach a voltmeter in between the output voltage of the sensor coming into the analog A0 port of the NodeMcu and ground in order to measure the voltage going into the NodeMcu. Following my research into the Arduino IDE and the NodeMcu capabilities, I discovered that the analog voltage coming in can be read by the native analogRead() function that has a 10-bit resolution measurement capability courtesy of its analog to digital converter. Rather than outputting the voltage measured directly like a voltmeter would, the function outputs an integer reading that is mapped and correlated to the voltage and  ranges from 0-1023. With this in mind I developed the following simple script in order to determine the correlation between the voltage measured by the voltmeter and the digital reading outputted by the analogRead() function:

With the script set and uploaded to the NodeMcu, I placed the sensor near the edge of the table and used a measuring tape (in inches) in order to observe how the voltage and the digital reading changed based on the distance I stood from the sensor.

With this setup in place I utilized the serial monitor and the serial plotter from the Arduino IDE in order to sample and record the digital output of the sricpt, and note by hand the voltage I saw on the voltmeter in front of me. I compiled the data and produced the following table and graphs:

I recorded Low and High voltages and ADC readings respectively since the measurement was not exactly smooth. Therefore, I noted the highest and lowest voltages measured by the meter and the peaks and valleys in the serial plotter corresponding to the ADC reading. In addition to relating the distance with the output voltage and the ADC readings, I related the ADC readings with the voltage and produced the following plots from our data table: 

As expected, the measurements were more accurate than the ones obtained in the informal purely analog testing described a few weeks back using the LED setup. The shape of the curves also met our expectations and resembles the one provided by the sensor manufacturer. Having said that, our plots are not exact reflections of the manufacturer graph, but close enough for the purposes of our implementation. I do recognize that there are some errors that come from the experimental setup and human measurements. Thus, the plot discrepancy could be attributed to our testing methodology. Nonetheless, the testing was conducted methodically and as carefully as possible. Thus I was confident that this data would serve as the basis for our algorithm development.

With this data in mind , I was able to create an Arduino Script for the NodeMcu that used the ADC readings to calculate the distance from the IR sensor in inches. This script was developed with the intention of using the calculated distance as the metric that would determine whether or not occupancy data would be sent by the NodeMcu. However, after some testing, I realized my algorithm and my script were not as precise near boundary distances of detection like 3.5ft as established by our design requirements. In other words, this was not sufficient to meet our detection accuracy since it was imprecise in situations where we needed it to be precise.

As a result, I looked at the data once again and utilized the relatively linear relationship between ADC and voltage in order to produce a simpler yet more accurate script. I also modified the circuitry and added an LED connected in between the D4 port and GND that would reflect the behavior of the sensor. The red LED would turn on when the distance was above 3.5ft and off when the distance was less than that.  The blue LED embedded in the NodeMcu would do the opposite.

This algorithm produced better results near the 3.5ft boundary. I also tried to test different detection angles and the sensor did not detect at big angles from the center line if none at all. The sensor pretty much worked in a straight line, which is good news for us.

With this phase of testing complete, I shifted my focus to making the sensor module mobile by incorporating the batteries from our design report. At first, I hooked everything up to the power supply but then proceed to use batteries instead. Regardless, the circuit configuration was the following:

I was able to get everything working both with the DC power supply and the battery pack, effectively creating a fully functioning and mobile sensor module, albeit without Wi-Fi capabilities just yet.

In addition, I measured the output voltage produced by the pack which turned out to be 5.4V (fully charged pack) (higher than the expected 4.8V). In addition, each cell is rated with 2,800mAh which brings the grand total to 11,200mAh. With this in mind, I decided to measure the current drawn by the sensor and NodeMcu individually, while detecting something in the desired range and while not. The NodeMcu registered a peak of 59mA while detecting and a low of 25mA while not detecting. On the other hand, the IR sensor readings from the multimeter unstably fluctuated to the point that no set measurement could be made. Nonetheless it did not surpass the 30mA mark that we had expected based on our research for the design report. Further power consumption studies need to be made with a fully Wi-Fi transmitting module, yet, based on our worse predictions of peak consumption, we estimate that we will meet the battery life requirement of 16.5 hours and perhaps surpass it. I was also employing a battery pack with a switch that could greatly extend our battery life. However, further testing will determine which pack is necessary and will be chosen for the module (static or switch enabled pack).

Aside from this, I started preliminary work on the fabrication of the senor encasing using Solidworks. Yet a possible implementation using AutoCAD, laser cutters, and acrylic plastic could be a solution as well.

In consequence, for next week my plan is to integrate the sensor and NodeMcu to transmit occupancy data with my teammates and then proceed to study the power consumption. Afterwards, I will shift my focus to the encasing and the mounting mechanism. I must acknowledge it is a tight schedule due to my limited knowledge of AutoCAD and Solidworks, yet I and the team in general is on pace according to the revised Gantt chart and schedule posted on 4/3.

Ian F’s Status Report for 4/1

This week I missed a couple of sessions due to illness and therefore some progress was made but not significant enough to fulfill the schedule I had planned for this past week.

Regardless, I decided to perform some tests directly interfacing the NodeMcu with the IR sensor utilizing the simple Arduino script mentioned in last week’s report to perform simple analog reads and observe the voltage displayed in the serial monitor of the Arduino IDE. After interfacing them together, I noticed my measurements were quite inaccurate and inconclusive. After a while, I realized that the problem was the sensor since it was not properly communicating with the NodeMcu. I discovered this after I turned off the power source to the sensor and the readings were still confusing and exactly the same as when the sensor was powered on. I tinkered with the Arduino script and revised my connections yet the results remained the same.

In light of this, I replicated the analog setup detailed in the status report for 3/18 to see if analog measurements were recorded as expected and observed during those past trials. However, no readings were obtained and no voltage drop was observed across the LED (it also did not turn on). As a result, I need to review my wiring to see if that’s the problem or try out a different sensor since the one I was using might be non-functional (which is what I’m inclined to believe).

Thus, the plan for the weekend and the beginning of the week is to get a fresh analog setup with new components up and running and then set the connections with the NodeMcu in order to properly test the Arduino script. The goal is to have this subsystem running by the interim demo and and then merge my sensor script with the other communication script that handles the data transmission portion of the overall system.

Ian F’s Status Report for 3/25

Last week’s scheduled testing did not take place. In consequence, I believe I am behind schedule but this is not something that will have significant or negative repercussions down the line. I believe that next week I can catch up and develop this subsystem further in order to meet the requirements and the expectations for the interim demo on the first week of April.

Having said this, some progress was made on the code side of things with the NodeMcu and the sensor. I worked on two versions of an Arduino script for the NodeMcu which takes in the voltage outputted from our sensor and performs the necessary calculations based on the graph on the sensors datasheet. I have not tested the script with the sensor directly. As a result, the plan for next week is to complete the testing mentioned last week and download the script onto the NodeMcu and see if it requires modifications or any other refinements. My hope is that with this script we are able to obtain digital distance measurements that can be compared with the analog ones obtained from our lab equipment. This way we can see if our script needs work or if it provides better results than the analog testing.

Team Status Report for 3/18

This week our team primarily worked individually and made some good progress on the the three components of our design: the sensor module, the microcontroller and the software stack.

In terms of the sensor module, we were able to overcome the obstacle presented by our delayed order for parts and initial testing was done with the IR sensors that provided an overview of its behavior and validated that the sensors we were able to obtain were operational. We got a feel of how the sensor works and how to integrate it with the NodeMcu later on. Some results were unexpected but further more rigorous testing for next week should clarify this. In addition, first steps were taken to integrate our sensor to the NodeMcu by researching Arduino code and libraries that will prove useful in our application.

The majority of the progress this week was made on the communication protocol between the NodeMcu and the Software Stack. Nat worked on setting up the nodeMCU which we received this week, as well as formatting the POST request to send data to the web app.

For the Software stack, we were able to host the web app on the EC2 instance on an Apache web server configured to our liking. This means two things: 1) We are able to visit the web app outside of locahost and 2) we are able to send POST requests to the web app. Also, we set up the MySQL DB that will be used with the web application.

As a result, the top two priorities for next week will be to continue our development on the sensor module with the ultimate aim of interfacing the sensors with our NodeMcu, and refine the communication between the NodeMcu and the stack so we can then bring it all together in order to obtain a working and functioning system to be presented in a couple of weeks as part of our interim demo.

Ian F’s Status Report For 3/18

This week was somewhat slow in terms of progress and unforeseen events caused some setbacks for me. As a result I am still behind schedule, although not as critically as past weeks. When it comes to deliverables for the week, some personal circumstances caused a delay in my ethics assignment, resulting in a 1 day late submission of my write-up. In addition, I was expecting the sensors to be available by this week. However, after consulting at the equipment desk, the staff informed me that the shipping was delayed and no updated delivery date was provided by the distributor. 

Despite this, I was able to get my hands on a few sensors by the end of the week and begin some informal testing to understand and observe their behavior. My aim with this lab session was to familiarize myself with the equipment and take some initial measurements that will guide more formal experiments next week. Thus, the main goal was to connect everything properly with analog components and merely determine if the sensors were operational.

Having said that, before connecting any components, I reread the documentation for our sensor. On it, the manufacturer suggests including a by-pass capacitor of 10μF or more between the input voltage (Vcc) and ground (GND) in order to stabilize the power supply line. As a result, I sketched the following circuit diagram and connected the components accordingly.

The DC voltage source was configured initially to 5V and an LED was connected in-between ground and Vo in order to measure the voltage outputted with the voltmeter shown and have visual cues of the sensors behavior. After firing up the circuit, I observed the LED dim as the distance from the sensor was altered. However, on the meter I saw some figures that were concerning. I compared the voltage drop across the LED to the following graph and numbers provided by the manufacturer.

Admittedly I used a rather crude form of measurement using stacked rulers, yet I observed that the sensor did not behave as depicted on the graph. Firstly I saw that the voltage drop across the LED was never higher than 2V. Secondly the output was off by a few centimeters. For instance, I had expected to observe upwards of 2.5V around 16cm yet the peak voltage was observed closer than that at around 11cm and it was still no larger than 2V. I also noticed that the sensors behavior at very close distances is not as expected. since the LED was still on and the voltage was high despite the object being less than 5cm from the sensor. At large distances the sensor started to behave as expected fluctuating between 0.5 to 0.7V. However, it was quite jittery. I also proceeded to toggle the input voltage based the operating range of the sensor (4.5V – 5.5V), yet this did not seem to have any effect on the output which is a behavior that is beneficial in our case. ( I performed most tests at 4.8V since this is the voltage we expect from our battery supply later in the future when we make the sensor module mobile.)

As mentioned all these results were informally recorded. The unexpected behavior is most likely caused by the properties of the LED and my thoughts are that these measurements will be more true to what the manufacturer suggests when the NodeMcu is integrated and connected to our sensor. So for next week, I will test things more meticulously and properly record the data from these experiments. I will try some things out at the analog level to see if the behavior described above changes. For instance, I intend to use a circuit configuration that is not dependent on the LED. I will also employ a measuring tape to obtain more accurate distance readings. In addition, I want to see if changing the power supply line capacitance has any effects on the output voltage (which I think not) and perhaps figure out if there is a ways to reduce the jittery behavior at long distances so that we can feed a better voltage to our NodeMcu.

Speaking of NodeMcu, I set up the Arduino IDE and performed some basic tests to familiarize myself with the component and its behavior. I followed an online tutorial to setup the IDE with the NodeMCU and successfully ran a simple program suggested in said tutorial that blinked an LED every second.

Thus for next week, after finishing my tests with the sensor, I will proceed to develop a script for the NodeMcu that will display the distance measured by the sensor connected to it. I will compare and contrast these results with the analog measurements as well as the graph from the datasheet and see how we can fine tune the measuring portion of our project or if an entirely different sensor or approach is necessary (which we estimate is highly unlikely).

Team Status Report for 3/11

It is safe to say that the week before the break was a tough one for our team. Little to no progress was made on the overall project and our design report was quite poor and deficient. Consequently, we must pick up the pace individually and as a team in order to catch up with our schedule and deliver on the product we set out to do.

Having said this, some things remain constant in our design and therefore on the list of tasks we must perform for next week. Our sensor module remained unchanged from what was presented in our design report. Therefore, immediate and individual testing of our sensors and NodeMcu should take place given that the parts have already arrived at the equipment desk. with this in mind we will move to integrate these two components as soon as possible and test them together prior to interfacing them with our software stack.

Speaking of our software stack, this subsystem underwent significant modifications as part of the design report. Such changes that will affect the overall schedule as well as the communication with our sensor module subsystem. While redacting our report we had discussions about the communication between the sensor module, the backend portion and ultimately the web application we intend to develop. As a result of this discussion, we realized that the inclusion of the Raspberry Pi in our design was unnecessary and therefore added an extra layer of complexity and delay to our system. As a result, we estimate that this change will not only improve our system but also provide some much needed leeway for us to catch up and meet the goals of our overall product.

The changes to the Software Stack include changing from hosting on the RPi to EC2 as EC2 provides a reliable uptime for the web app, as well as more security for hosting over the RPi. We realized we did not have much justification for the RPi, and that an EC2 instance running Ubuntu 20.04 would work better. Additionally, the database that we used changes from SQLite to MySQL, as MySQL provides a scaleable database for the webapp and is more robust, which SQLite lacks.

With this design modification in mind, the biggest changes to the schedule involve removing the portion with the Raspberry Pi and replacing it with our new solution involving the EC2 instance and the components underneath it.

To complete this project we have identified some tools that are new and must be learned like EC2 and other AWS resources, as well as other ones which require refreshers and improved knowledge about, like possibly CAD and 3D printing software, and definitely Arduino and some of its libraries. These tools will be used individually for the most part. However, the group must actively asses and verify throughout the process that these tools are appropriate. This involves making sure that they are not too difficult to use and that the individual member responsible for them is up to the task. If we encounter that a particular tool is too difficult, we will work collectively with it or perhaps remove it in favor of a simpler one. These decisions will be made on a subsystem basis since we envision that some tools are less complex and require less knowledge than others.

Next week, we plan on working with the sensor and nodeMCU once they arrive, as well as the Ethics assignment due Wednesday as a deliverable. Overall, we are slightly behind schedule, but plan to catch up during this week as soon as we receive our parts.