This week, Ian B. continued work on the front-end of the web application, as well as a new feature on the backend of the site for registering a new device as discussed during the interim demo. Ian F. was able to get a significant amount of testing done with the sensor module. Additionally, we now have a wireless and mobile (battery powered) sensor module, with initial steps for the encasing/mounting mechanism taking place. Nat worked on nodeMCU code, as well as spending time understanding Ian F’s work to have an idea on how to integrate it with his own code.
Next week, Ian B. will work on the final backend feature (average time spent per machine), as well as debugging and testing the new feature/existing features. Ian F. will continue working on the mounting mechanism for the sensor module, as well as integration of his work on the sensor with Nat’s.
In terms of schedule, I would say that we are on schedule in terms of the software stack with the web app. For the sensor module, I believe we should be roughly on schedule according to the new chart made for the interim demo, but it is a tight schedule as Ian F. mentioned in his individual report.