This week, Ian B. worked on the front end of the web application and was able to incorporate AJAX polling so that the data displayed on the web app automatically updates/refreshes without needing to manually reload the web page. Nat was able to connect the nodeMCU to CMU-DEVICE and test sending a POST request to the web app, which successfully received the data and updated the database with the new data. Ian F. tested the IR sensor with the nodeMCU, but encountered some errors along the way. However, we plan on fixing this before the interim demo on Monday.
Next week, we plan on doing our best for the interim demo presentation, then start fully integrating Nat and Ian F’s work on the nodeMCU. Additionally, Ian B. plans on finishing work on the front end, working on the “average wait time” feature and the “Report broken machine” feature.
Overall, we would say that we are on schedule in terms of our proposed schedule from the design report. Sending data from the nodeMCU to the web app and having that data be displayed on the web page is a crucial aspect of our project which we have working, so we are proud of that.