As I stated in the last weekly report, this week was rather busy for me so most of my progress would be made on Friday through Sunday before the interim demo. Regardless, this week I managed to get AJAX working with JavaScript for the front end, so that the website automatically updates which machines are free and which are busy without the need to refresh the page. Furthermore, Nat and I were able to test that sending data from the nodeMCU via POST requests work, which was reassuring.
Next week, including tomorrow, my plan is to finish the work on the front end (mainly CSS), add a “Report machine broken” as Alex suggested, and work on sockets with Nat. Although we want sockets working for the interim demo, sending data via POST request is our fallback.
In terms of schedule, I would say I am on schedule. This week and next week were designated for working on the front end of the web app, since that would mainly be CSS and other visual things.