This week, I accomplished a few key things on my part. First, I purchased the domain for the website using Amazon Route 53. Then, I used Route 53 to get the domain to host the web app from the EC2 instance. Moreover, I worked on the POST request as described in the Design Report. Specifically, if a POST request is made with data as {‘id’ = 22, ‘status’ = ‘free’, ‘machine’=’bicycle’}, the web app can process that response by updating the pre-initialized Django model with these fields. In this case, it would look in the MySQL database for the machine with id == 22, and set status to ‘free’. Overall, I think I made solid progress on the backend side of the software stack this week.
Next week, preparing for the interim demo will be the main priority. Unfortunately, I have two exams next week, so I will have to manage my time carefully, and a lot of my work will likely be done towards the end of next week and during lab sessions. The main priority for next week is now that I have the POST requests working and can update the models with whether they are free/busy, I want to work on updating the front-end with this information instead of dummy information that I am still using. To accomplish this, I should just need to loop through all the instances of my Equipment model and place them accordingly with HTML/CSS. Additionally, I need to work on the average time/business feature.
In terms of schedule, I would still say I am personally on track. These next two weeks were meant to be me working on the front end, which is what I am doing now.