This week, most of the time was spent doing the Design Report and discussing ways to improve our design. After receiving feedback from the Design Presentation, we realized that we did not have strong justification for using an RPi to host the web app. We changed this to hosting on an EC2 instance, as it is something I have prior experience in from web app course.
Next week, the plan is to work on the Ethics assignment as well as hopefully receive the NodeMCU so we can start communication between the web app and the sensor module.
Given that we once again updated our schedule to accommodate the change from RPi to EC2 hosting, I would say that we are still on schedule. I created the EC2 instance running Ubuntu 20.04 and have the web app prototype working with some design touch-ups needing to be made with React.
The new tools that we have determined to be necessary to accomplish the tasks, as mentioned, is AWS and EC2 instead of the RPi. As mentioned in the Design Report, EC2 is more secure and provides a consistent uptime as opposed to a RPi.