Chi Nguyen’s Status Report for 04/08/2023

After the interim demo last Monday, I have been working on the final part of the project which is to integrate the system and do more testing, making sure that the code can count the number of people correctly at any given time and output the correct wait time for the users. There were some challenges at first but I’ve been able to come up with a plan to calculate the result correctly and I have been working on putting it in the code. Right now the code can correctly output the number of people in line at any given time. The next step I’ve been working on is to send this data to the database. What the backend server will do whenever there’s a new user is to output the wait time corresponding to the most updated number of people in line from the database.

Right now, my schedule is on schedule and I should be able to achieve near the end result by the end of the week but I’ll need to put extra hours of work into it.

I’m hoping to achieve something close to the final product by the end of the week so that we have more time to run more testings, monitor any potential issue and have time to mitigate risks.

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