This week I researched on what is the optimal database for us to use. We considered DocumentDB by Amazon AWS as it is a popular choice as a cloud database, however, MongoDB Atlas emerged as the better choice. As discussed in our presentation last week, we intend to use MongoDB as it allows for the dynamism of our data. We needed to find a way to store the data processed by the software backend and accessible by the frontend. MongoDB Atlas emerged as the better choice based on our criteria that prioritized pricing, portability and features. MongoDB Atlas is free, for starters, while DocumentDB has a limited free tier. Atlas is also Mongo’s native product with a lot more compatible features that seem to make it a better deployment option, as explained here: I have been studying on how to use MongoDB in conjunction with Django as my experience so far has been with mySQL which is a much simpler database. Orthogonal to this, I have begun work on setting up the local Django app environment.


Some changes have been made to the schedule to reflect the work that has had to be put in to find a good database. This week was spent on setting up work for the Figma UI prototype. The upcoming week will be spent on finalizing this prototype and setting up the app using Django framework. The classes that gave/will give me the requisite knowledge are an amalgam of HCI/Design classes and Web Application Development.

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