What are the most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of theproject? How are these risks being managed? What contingency plans are ready?

The most significant risks that could jeopardize the success of the project are :

  • If the system is not effective at distinguishing humans from nonhumans. This manifests as a high rate of false positives and false negatives. This risk can be managed by changing the type of data that is inputted and how the data is preprocessed. In previous weeks, both have been changed, especially increasing the velocity resolution.
  • High latency of transmitting system data wirelessly to web app. Although it is crucial to have full-resolution radar data during each transmission, the data rate of the GPS and temperature data can be reduced to reduce latency, and the location is estimated using a Kalman filter.

Were any changes made to the existing design of the system (requirements,block diagram, system spec, etc)? Why was this change necessary, what costsdoes the change incur, and how will these costs be mitigated going forward?

  • The dimensions of the input data were changed so that the doppler resolution was doubled and the range was halved. This change was necessary to reduce latency while providing higher quality data, as the time waiting to collect data beyond 5m reduces the frequency of data that can be sent and is extraneous anyway.
  • Additionally, the doubled doppler resolution provides more fine details that can help identify a human (such as the strong returns from movement of hands and weaker returns from individual fingers). Additionally, the input data is preprocessed to reduce noise in the range-doppler map which is expected to improve the accuracy of the neural network since the noise is less likely to erroneously be identified as a human.
Categories: Team Status Reports


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