Jai Madisetty’s Status Report for 2/26

This week, we mainly worked to finalize some design specs and confirm what components we do and do not need. We’ve decided to use CV to detect targets placed all over our test environment. We scratched our idea of using sensors to detect bluetooth beacons as we are not dealing with smoke filled environments anymore.

In addition, when trying to interface the iRobot with the Jetson, the iRobot gave us an error signal and did not power on. As a result, we ordered a newer version of the iRobot Create 2, and we’re waiting on this before we get started with the programming.

Jai Madisetty’s Status Report for 2/19

This week, I mainly worked with Keshav to set up the ROS environment so we can get started with the coding next week. I’ve continued to look into ROS and getting the fundamentals down. I’ve mostly been watching YouTube videos and I also found a 5-day tutorial I aim to complete by the end of this week (https://www.theconstructsim.com/robotigniteacademy_learnros/ros-courses-library/ros-python-course/).

Keshav and I were not able to confirm that we were getting data from LIDAR due to some technical difficulties (explained in his post); however, we aim to get the LIDAR interfacing with the Jetson and Roomba by the end of next week. Things have been moving pretty slowly due to a change of plans in our design (fully scratching the mmWave technology); however, we’ve finalized our design plans and will definitely get going in the coming weeks.

Jai Madisetty’s Status Report for 2/12

This week, I mainly worked on refining the details for our SAR robot. Specifically, I tried thinking about what components of our project we need for the robot itself, and also for testing the robot’s competency. We have ordered all base components so far (NVIDIA Jetson Xavier and Roomba); however, we still need an SD card and batteries. We also need to order a smoke machine and liquid smoke for testing. We have yet to figure out where exactly we will test this robot so as to not set off any fire alarms; our goal is to figure this out by next week. I am mainly responsible for the software-related aspects of this project, such as implementing SLAM and the A* search algorithm. This past week, I’ve been learning about CUDA as we plan to write fast, parallel code with the NVIDIA Jetson. I have also been looking into an unofficial Roomba sdk that we can use to control the Roomba. Due to the absence of supplies, I am a bit behind schedule. Once we’ve received batteries and an SD card, we can start looking more into the specifics of implementation. We plan to obtain these materials early next week, so we can put in some extra time to setup and get back on track. By next week, I hope to be able to get the Jetson interfacing with the Roomba and being able to control the robot via the Jetson.