Alice’s Status Report for 02/26/2022

Finally got Scotty3D to build on the FPGA!!

This week has been hard to get any progress done since I was reviewing for the Design Review presentation and working on the paper. I feel we are behind schedule due to so much time being dedicated towards presentations.

Currently we are trying to get Scotty3D to run on the fabric, so we can compare that to the FPGA version of Scotty3D.

Over the past week we’ve had issues with the FPGA crashing, presumably due to high CPU usage, and I realized that the probability of being able to render graphics on the CPU is low. We might pivot to having a non-graphical version of Scotty3D run on the FPGA, and then output into some sort of text file the 3D position of each of the 512 particles per frame, and let some host computer (such as my PC or my laptop) to the rendering instead. This is after all how big data companies structure their platforms. I am still trying to investigate this with Jeremy and Ziyi for another day or 2 further before making any decisions. This is of course linked to my task for running the simulation headless. Another option is to have the FPGA communicate with the laptop through USB.

Next week my goal is to address this issue. It seems a bit pressing since it might require an architecture change.

Alice’s Status Report for 2/19/2022

This week I was able to get Vitis set up on my laptop. We are now using my laptop as the testing platform since getting Scotty3D to compile was near impossible on the Andrew Linux machines, so we decided to pivot to using a machine that already had Scotty3D working. This process unfortunately took about 12 hours this week due to trying out various machines and hard drives and having to clear up space for Vitis, Vitis HLS, and Vivado (the install required 200 GB).

I am currently working on getting Scotty3D to build in Vitis on my laptop. In particular, I am working on getting Vitis to respect the CMake build system of Scotty3D. Based on some readings it seems promising that Vitis will be able to, there is a section on the Xilinx documentation website for Vitis and Makefiles. In addition to this, I’m also working with Ziyi & Jeremy in re-writing the Scotty3D code to be more hardware friendly, for instance, getting rid of recursion in the collision detection function and getting rid of unnecessary member variables in the Particle object (among other things).

We realized that all the rendering should be done on the fabric (the board’s CPU), so we don’t need OpenGL to work on the FPGA. OpenGL should behave like any other C++ library.

Next week I definitely want to get Scotty3D built through Vitis. Among software rewrites, I will also start looking at making a lightweight version of Scotty3D so we can separate out only what we are aiming to accelerate from the rest of Scotty3D. I also want to follow through on my command-line interface for an easier workflow. I am *slightly* behind on my schedule, but not worried at all as I estimate it to be only 1 or 2 days of work behind.

Team Report – 2/12/2022

Currently the significant risk that we are facing is the C++ code that isn’t compiling. A lot of the C++17 features that are being used are features we are not familiar with. We are making good progress on learning about this features, however, and are in communication with the main developer of Scotty3D on our various compilation issues.

The most important task for the project at the moment is getting OpenGL to work on the FPGA. Alice and Ziyi worked on it briefly this week, but more work is necessary.

No changes were made to the system design or schedule.

Alice’s Status Report for 02/12/2022

This week I worked on getting rid of dead code and re-working some of the imports so that fluid.cpp would be reliant on as few other libraries as possible, and started to make the flowchart for how the different data structures work together. I generated some dependency graphs in order to visualize which parts of Scotty3D are critical to the fluid simulation and UI. 


I also worked heavily with Ziyi this week. I helped Ziyi debug some compilation issues that arose when trying to compile Scotty3D in Vitis. There are various issues with the CMake and C++ versions, since a large portion of the codebase is implemented with C++17 features. We also took on getting OpenGL to work on the Ultra96 together.

The initial steps for this project are slow and a bit confusing, but we are still making progress at a rate that we expect. Next week I hope to complete the flowchart diagram and work with Ziyi to get Scotty3D compiled in Vitis, and make significant progress on getting OpenGL + simple graphics demo to run on the FPGA.

Alice’s Status Report – 02/05/2022

This week I did some benchmarking on the different chunks of the fluid simulation algorithm (implemented in the existing Scotty3D codebase). They are as followed:

Some notable observations I made this week:

  • gradWspiky and WPoly6 (see the paper) are distinct compute kernels which are used in both “Get Newton’s Method Scaling Factor” and “Particle Position Correction”.
  • The particle data structure is currently an unordered map of indices to a vector of Particle objects that gets reconstructed after every position update. This means that neighbor searching is essentially an O(1) operation, since the index is predetermined and the search can be confined to a 9×9 cube around the spatial voxel in question.
    • I think a new data structure (hash grid) like the paper would be more efficient, so I will potentially be working on this in the next week.

A lot of work this week was done for the neural rendering project that we had previously, so this status update does not reflect 12 hours of work for this new fluid simulation project. On the other hand, though this means we are *technically* somewhat behind since we recently pivoted from neural rendering to fluid simulation acceleration, I personally am feeling confident about our project since I am quite familiar with the current codebase and the paper, and the code has already been tested and run on an ARM chip (Jeremy’s Macbook with an M1 processor).

In the next week I hope to make a diagram on what data structures are important and how the algorithm updates each of them (i.e. scene object BVH, vector of total particles, vector of scaling factors, etc.). I also hope to start work on redesigning the UI to be more user-friendly and work with Ziyi & Jeremy on figuring out how to get OpenGL working on an FPGA, and also looking at the code to see what changes can be made in the software to make it easier to port over to the FPGA.