Wonho’s Status Report for 2/19

This week I mainly worked on figuring out getting the camera module and the Jetson Xavier board setup. I looked online to look at the SDK required to set up the SD card for the Xavier board as well as figuring out how to install the necessary drivers for the camera module. This part looks like there needs to be more research done on how to make it work so I’ll continue to do that as we get our micro-SD card delivered next week.

As for doing work with the team, I also worked on filling out the design review presentation slides and the bill of materials. I ended up putting in the order for major part such as the mirror and the monitor as well as some other little parts we need for the project.

Next week, I’ll hopefully get the camera up and running so we can start figuring out how to collect data from the camera input.

Yun’s Status Report for 2/19

This week, we focused on finalizing project design details and putting them together to present it for Design review presentation. During the process, I was in charge of clarifying and rearranging user case of how each component and users will interact with one another. On top of that I did more research on which App development tool to utilize and analyzed pros and cons for app development tools.

As we continued to work on finalizing design details this week, we are behind of the schedule that we proposed during the proposal presentation. However, considering the fact that design review is scheduled to be next week, I do not think we are behind too much relative to the course schedule and time we have left. Thus, it seems necessary to adjust the proposed schedule so that we can work accordingly.

In the following week, I am planning to finish collecting basic color related database and develop structures of color recommendation software.

Jeremy’s Status Report for 2/19

This week I mainly worked on the design review presentation slides and reviewing our system specification. I added more details to our block diagram that shows how each component of the project interacts with one another.  I also modified some of our use case requirements after considering the expectations of our users. We are currently on schedule but hopefully in the next week, we actually try and test out some of the hardware and software that we decided on.  Along with that, I hope to receive helpful feedback from my presentation that will help steer us in the right direction.

Team Status Report for 2/19

The most significant risks that we had to consider over the past week were fleshing out the details of our project, and how exactly we would be building each component of our project, so that we can put together a complete device. We have managed both risks by breaking down our project into modular portions, and writing out what we need to do in order to complete each model, mainly through the use of a schematic. After discussing with our TA and Professor, we realized we had to focus on how we would fix issues with the camera recognizing our user. Ideally, these issues can be solved by designing our project well from hardware and software aspects, however as a contingency, we can also test what distance the user needs to stand from the mirror in order for it to function best, and guide the user using that information. We have also been focused on making sure that we are able to acquire the hardware components necessary to make our project function, which we managed by making use of the ECE inventory, and ordering our desired parts as early as possible. This makes the overall project much more straightforward and simple.
We have made some changes to our use-case requirements after discussion with a TA and a Professor, giving ourselves many more requirements, as well as elaborating on them more in our presentations. We rebuilt our block diagram, making it much more detailed, and bringing it up to the standards that we’ve seen our classmates set. This change also pushed us to figure out some the details that we needed to settle to understand how we would deliver on some of the aspects of our project. We have also decided to install LED lights within our device, and potentially add to the UI to guide the user to the best distance that they should stand at to use our mirror. This change was necessary because our team realized that some aspects of our project were dependent on the users lighting and surroundings, which may vary from user to user beyond our control.
We have ordered several of the parts we need, and made a lot of progress on our design presentation, and hope to be able to provide a good presentation and begin working on our first implementations next week.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 2/19

This week we focused our work on our design presentation. We’ve spent a lot of time going over potential ideas and solutions, and picking out the parts we need to flesh out the details of how we are going to build our project. I spent my time putting together the presentation, performing research, and tracking and documenting our budget spent and items purchased.
Our main activity this week was putting together the presentation on Monday and Wednesday. I designed a block diagram for our project that we could use for our design presentation. We discussed as a group what we needed to include in the presentation, and what items we should place orders for. Overall we decided quickly what items we wanted for our project. We met with a professor and a TA on Wednesday, where we discussed where our project would be going from here, and afterwards I put together a list of the items that we had purchased so far, or were going to purchase for the sake of tracking our budget.
Thus we were able to break ground on our design presentation, and figure out the direction we want to head in next with our project. We are waiting while we gather the rest of our materials, and preparing to implement the initial parts of our project.

Wonho’s Status Report for 2/12

This week I worked on the proposal presentations slides with my team. The tasks were divided up into more specific and modular tasks so that we would be able to plan ahead accordingly. This also helped us create a more detailed schedule that allowed multiple parts of the project to be developed simultaneously while the team works together.

We also had internal discussions to determine what direction we want to take regarding the software language and we determined that C++ would be more useful after receiving some feedback after our presentation.

In terms of the hardware aspect of the project, I was able to secure the Jetson Xavier NX as well as an 12MP Arducam that is compatible with the Xavier. Next week, I’ll be researching the specific materials we need for the smart mirror and plan on putting in the order forms for the one-way mirror and a monitor for our smart mirror display.

Yun’s Status Report for 2/12

I personally worked on improving the proposal presentation slides, revising the schedule (Gantt chart), and doing more research on which software languages and tools to use for the implementations. We realized that each modular task was in larger pieces than we wanted; thus, I worked on making tasks more modular so that each task can be completed in about a week.

My team has been working on specifying details for design choices by considering which languages to use to meet latency requirements and how the user experience would be. I believe that the team is on track in accordance with the planned schedule now. However, it is early in the project, so I am planning to work ahead if time allows, so that we can have some buffer time in the future when unexpected situations that are not planned occur.

In the following week, I am planning to do some research on finding resources for outfit color matching, and ideate what kind of format we would want to store such data. In addition, if time allows, I will also be studying app development briefly.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 2/12

This week we mostly worked on our proposal presentation. We’ve spent a lot of time narrowing down our options, and making specific decisions to flesh out the details of what we want our project to be. I spent my time putting together and practicing the presentation, performing research, and pursuing conversation with my group partners to bring all of us on the same page.

I provided the presentation first thing on Monday morning. Afterwards we discussed as a group what we felt we had learned from providing the presentation, and the questions we received afterwards. There had been a small disconnect between some of our teammates in several areas leading up to the presentation. Giving the presentation, and answering the questions we received let us find these points of conflict, and merge our opinions so that we were unified as a group.

Thus we were able to decide most of the details for our project as a team, as well as the direction we want to head in next. We are preparing to begin on our design presentation, as well as gathering the rest of our materials, and beginning to implement the initial parts of our project.

Team Status Report for 2/12

The most significant risks that we came across over the past few weeks were figuring out the focus of our project and how exactly we would be able to recommend outfits to the user in a suitable fashion. We have managed both risks by centralizing our project on outfit recommendations rather than our original plan to include heart rate monitors and daily schedule reminders on our mirror. We have also decided to push through with the idea of having users take pictures of their own clothes and input it into a database which would then be used for outfit recommendations based on a color wheel. This makes the overall project much more straightforward and simple.

We have made some changes to our use-case requirements and system spec after our project proposal presentation. Using the students’ feedback, we decided to lower the time it takes for and outfit recommendation from 10s to 4s. This change was necessary and viable because we were successfully able to acquire the Jetson Xavier and because we realized that 10s may be too long to maintain the user’s attention. We have also decided to switch from using OpenCV with Python to C++. This change was necessary because our team realized that the documentation available is similar for both languages and C++ is much faster in terms of runtime which will directly help our use case requirement of fast outfit recommendations.

We have also started to think about how to connect our mobile app to the mirror for turning on/off the mirror and we realized that the Jetson Xavier that we received from the 18-500 inventory already has a built-in WIFI+BT chip that we can use which is very useful and saves us a lot of money and time.

Jeremy’s Status Report for 2/12

This week I was mostly working on our team’s proposal presentation slides. Our project is still in the early stages, so I also went ahead and polished some of our preliminary ideas so that we could design our project in a much more modular fashion.

This includes: attaching white LED lights around our mirror to fix the variable of minimizing shadows for each of our users, being able to analyze solid colors, having a tag to each of the clothes that the user fills out to make it easier to grab the correct matching clothes from the database.

In doing so, we were able to set an MVP for our project. I believe our project is on schedule, but we should be aware of the possible complications that could come from a new tech stack. Next week, I hope to be able to test out some of the software tools that our team is planning to use for the color detection and come up with an overall design strategy for our project by deciding on which tools we plan to utilize.