Ramzi’s Status Report for 4/16

This week I put together a recommendation system to recommend new outfits for the user depending on the color of what they are wearing, and the current weather conditions based in python. Using the webcolors python module, I was able to categorize the colors and come up with the best recommended colors to match based on a given rgb value.

Example of code and output of color/weather recommendations

I think we are catching back up to our planned schedule, and should be able to put together the modules we have each individually worked on in the near future.

Moving forward, I will be continuing to improve these algorithms, and integrating them together to create a system that can recommend an entire outfit for the user. I will also be assisting in integrating these algorithms into the rest of the project.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 4/20

I was ill for most of the week, and was unable to put aside much time to work on the project. As such, most of my time was spent ruminating how to put together the remaining portions of the project. Since we are a little behind, I came up with a few ideas on how to expedite and implement the database for the user’s wardrobe, and connect it to our torso and color detection programs, which I intend to discuss with my teammates in the upcoming week. Additionally, I have been preparing for the interim demo where I intend to present the frame that I designed, and put together with my teammates.

Ramzi’s Status report for 3/26

This week I reviewed the system we are using for our application, and tried to learn more of its functions so that we could integrate the application thoroughly. We want to find a way to upload images through the app to our mirror. We also spent a large amount of time working on our physical mirror, as we have been trying to get access to a woodshop and create a frame that would work for a while. I created a diagram that thoroughly detailed how we would design the physical dimensions of our mirror.


We went to home depot, and purchased two 2″x10″x8′ pieces of wood, before heading over to the woodshop at techspark to have the pieces properly cut into what we needed. We screwed together the pieces together, and managed to create the completed frame below:

For next week, we will be resuming working on the software components of our project, as we try to bring together the application and the video analysis software to create a coherent system.

Ramzi’s Status Report 3/19

This week I worked on getting down the fundamentals of our coding language and the systems that we are using to set up our database and our analysis systems. With assistance from Yun and Jeremy I managed to figure out the basic setup and access our git deposit to begin working on our application framework, which I have included a code snippet from in figure 1.

Figure 1: small code snippet

We have begun to make progress and get ourselves back on track to our schedule. We have been attempting to contact TechSpark for the sake of using their woodshop, but are facing delays and communication issues. We have set our short term goals of getting the information we want from our Arducam OpenPose Live Feed torso detection, and our ColorThief color detection, while setting up the necessary framework for our application to interact with the mirror and the user.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 2/26

This week, my time was mainly spent on designing the slides for our design presentation, as well as preparing our design report. As of now we have a system figured out on how we are going to complete our design report as a team, and we gave our design presentation earlier this week. We requested space in TechSpark to put together and test our smart mirror, and our group ordered the parts, so we are waiting on the parts to arrive before we begin putting our project together. We are a little behind our planned schedule, but hopefully we will be able to catch up when the parts deliver. For the next week we are focusing our efforts on the design report until our parts arrive, then we may be able to begin setting up the hardware and software components of our project.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 2/19

This week we focused our work on our design presentation. We’ve spent a lot of time going over potential ideas and solutions, and picking out the parts we need to flesh out the details of how we are going to build our project. I spent my time putting together the presentation, performing research, and tracking and documenting our budget spent and items purchased.
Our main activity this week was putting together the presentation on Monday and Wednesday. I designed a block diagram for our project that we could use for our design presentation. We discussed as a group what we needed to include in the presentation, and what items we should place orders for. Overall we decided quickly what items we wanted for our project. We met with a professor and a TA on Wednesday, where we discussed where our project would be going from here, and afterwards I put together a list of the items that we had purchased so far, or were going to purchase for the sake of tracking our budget.
Thus we were able to break ground on our design presentation, and figure out the direction we want to head in next with our project. We are waiting while we gather the rest of our materials, and preparing to implement the initial parts of our project.

Ramzi’s Status Report for 2/12

This week we mostly worked on our proposal presentation. We’ve spent a lot of time narrowing down our options, and making specific decisions to flesh out the details of what we want our project to be. I spent my time putting together and practicing the presentation, performing research, and pursuing conversation with my group partners to bring all of us on the same page.

I provided the presentation first thing on Monday morning. Afterwards we discussed as a group what we felt we had learned from providing the presentation, and the questions we received afterwards. There had been a small disconnect between some of our teammates in several areas leading up to the presentation. Giving the presentation, and answering the questions we received let us find these points of conflict, and merge our opinions so that we were unified as a group.

Thus we were able to decide most of the details for our project as a team, as well as the direction we want to head in next. We are preparing to begin on our design presentation, as well as gathering the rest of our materials, and beginning to implement the initial parts of our project.