Yun’s Status Report for 2/19

This week, we focused on finalizing project design details and putting them together to present it for Design review presentation. During the process, I was in charge of clarifying and rearranging user case of how each component and users will interact with one another. On top of that I did more research on which App development tool to utilize and analyzed pros and cons for app development tools.

As we continued to work on finalizing design details this week, we are behind of the schedule that we proposed during the proposal presentation. However, considering the fact that design review is scheduled to be next week, I do not think we are behind too much relative to the course schedule and time we have left. Thus, it seems necessary to adjust the proposed schedule so that we can work accordingly.

In the following week, I am planning to finish collecting basic color related database and develop structures of color recommendation software.

Yun’s Status Report for 2/12

I personally worked on improving the proposal presentation slides, revising the schedule (Gantt chart), and doing more research on which software languages and tools to use for the implementations. We realized that each modular task was in larger pieces than we wanted; thus, I worked on making tasks more modular so that each task can be completed in about a week.

My team has been working on specifying details for design choices by considering which languages to use to meet latency requirements and how the user experience would be. I believe that the team is on track in accordance with the planned schedule now. However, it is early in the project, so I am planning to work ahead if time allows, so that we can have some buffer time in the future when unexpected situations that are not planned occur.

In the following week, I am planning to do some research on finding resources for outfit color matching, and ideate what kind of format we would want to store such data. In addition, if time allows, I will also be studying app development briefly.