Angel’s Status Report for 3/19
Before spring break, I spent most of my time working on the design report. I also ordered an Arduino Nano BLE 33 since I found out that the Bluetooth HM10 Module that I ordered did not work like I thought it did. After spring break, I was able to pick up the Arduino and start working with it. Luckily, I was able to establish a connection between the Arduino using its BLE library and the bluepy library on the Raspberry Pi. On the first day I got it, I was able to read and write between the two devices, and create a new characteristic whose value turned on an LED connected to the Arduino.
Later on in the week, I was able to create moreĀ characteristics and set their values, and read those values from the Pi. I set the values to change every 100 milliseonds, and most values were not dropped when read on the Pi. I plan to look into the Baud Rate of the BLE on the Pi and the Arduino later to see how short I can get the delay to be without dropping significant amounts of data. For next week though, I plan on wiring a small amount of buttons to the Nano to simulate human input that is generally slower than a program to see how that behaves, and start writing code on the Pi to decode the fingering data. The schedule has been pushed back a little (we still have slack to accomodate this), but I feel a lot more confident of hitting our latency goals for wireless communication with the flute controller. Next week,I will also start working with Vivian to construct the flute controller and cut the PVC pipe