This week, I finished the Front Panel design and am in contact with Ed Wojciechowski to facilitate water jet cutting. This will be simple and cheap hopefully. I sourced the MIDI input board and ethernet coupler for our rear panel. We still need audio jacks, DCin and power switch. I think we can simply find those around. We have to figure out this AXI interface and protocols soon so we can finally communicate with the FPGA modules. We should produce the MVP in the next two weeks, including bare minimum oscillators, integrated MIDI, and a few encoders.
We are definitely behind schedule. I believe we should have had the MVP ready by now based on our gantt chart. However, in hindsight, this goal was a bit ambitious. I am confident we will be viable by next weekend! In order to achieve this I will be more realistic with our goals and put maximum effort into all the elements of the MVP in the coming week.