What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? I spent this week by finishing the initial setup of the Jetson Xavier AGX, which took me a few days. I ran into some challenges during the setup, which I
Harry’s Status Report for 2/19/2022
This week I focused on doing research to prepare for the arrival of the Due and getting the MIDI implementation working at a base level. In my research on MIDI libraries for Arduino I discovered the Control Surface library, a
Team Status Report for 2/19/2022
This week our team largely focused on the Design Review and getting started on the groundwork for each of our sections. In preparing for our design review we were able to finalize most of the details of the hardware and
Tomas’s Status Report for 2/12/22
What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Our group’s focus for this week was to do the initial setup for the project. I personally contributed to this goal by researching what we need to accomplish to get the
Min Gun’s Status Report for 2/12/22
For this week, I presented our team’s proposal presentation on Wednesday. All the team members contributed to making the presentation slides. We edited the slides multiple times in order to deliver only the important information. After all the slides were
Harry’s Status Report for 2/12/22
This week I researched the hardware necessary for the MIDI Out and Video Out portions of our design as well as approaches for how to handle turning an Arduino into a MIDI device. I settled on using the Arduino Due