Jorge’s Status Report Apr. 2

This I ordered the PCBs for our team after making some quick layout changes to make it easier to interface with the Pi.

Below is the board with the set of row pins routed underneath and the column pings routed on top. The extra pins are not necessary but I left them in, in case we wanted to add more buttons later on and I saw no harm in it. Right now, our layout hasn’t changed much from our older one, but there is a new button (very bottom right) to be used for the toggle repeat feature we intend to implement.

It is effectively a variation on thiss layout below, with the right most keys shifted up half a button length (10mm) and an added special button on the bottom right and an added button on the top right (an escape key we forgot to add earlier).

I ordered 5 of these boards as it was the minimum from JLCPCB, but they were fairly cheap, so if we need to order more I think it will be okay. The only issue is that if we do need to make changes to the layout I am worried about the time it will take to get the board shipped.


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