David’s Status Report for 4-16

For the week, I focused on my parts in scaling the design up to support Ethereum mining. The communication packets are different and need to be stored differently, but everything should be working in that regard. There was an issue with the ETHUSDT ticker for the Binance API where the data was incorrect, the tickers have since been updated to use Binance’s own stablecoin as the second coin in the ticker pairing. This should be enough for longevity unless Binance decides to remove support for their own stablecoin. The historical data comes in through kline data and is processed as such, but inference was not happening with kline data, it has since been changed to use kline data. This allows the added metric of volume of transactions to be used in predicting. I have it set such that when outputting a spread, it will favor choosing the coin with more transaction volume.

In terms of my schedule, I think I’m still overall behind, but in pace with the progress that the rest of my team has made. Most of the work I have to do now has to deal with testing and metric evaluation, which is hard to do without the rest of the project done.

I will continue to work with my teammates to get their parts done. I know that receiving from the FPGAs is still a work in progress that is very important to the communication so I will focus my efforts to helping Lulu with that. I will also work on my own part, perhaps even trying different machine learning models if my team doesn’t require my help. This will also include finding more attributes to help prediction.

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