This week I focused on the setup of the Django environment for our web app. I finished researching the Javascript library for constructing and sending audio streams to the backend. On localhost, we can start a web frontend page that has a record button for users to record their voice. Once they stop recording, we will display an audio playback at the frontend page and at the same time send the audio stream to the backend which will in turn store the audio data in a .wav file on the server side.
This audio stream transfer is crucial to our project because we need to send audio streams from frontend to backend and store them as .wav files to feed into our speech recognition model.
However, I still have some trouble with the noise of the .wav file created on the server side. Based on current research, the reason for the noise is probably that I arbitrarily set the number of channels and frame rate for the audio when writing the audio data to the .wav file on the server side. Solving this issue will require further research on how to retrieve the framerate and counts of channels in the original audio data.
So far the progress for finishing a proof of concept for our audio stream transfer module is on schedule. I still have a week before the deadline of the design document (2/20/2022) to finish the proof of concept and visualize the module with a detailed sketch. Next week I will resolve the audio noise issue and draw a detailed sketch of the audio transfer module that includes flow charts and packages used along the way.