This week, I defined the database schema, together with data relations, in a Prisma file. Defining the schema as code in this way also allows for easy tracking in a VCS e.g. Git of any changes, allows for safer database migrations as the schema changes, and also allows other group members to speedily spin up a development database for their own use.
In addition, I have decided upon an Express.js stack, using TypeScript with Prisma as the ORM. Using Prisma and an ORM abstracts away the complexity of crafting SQL queries, and also protects the application from SQL injection attacks by design. It even provides type safety, which together with TypeScript provides for full type-safety across the backend. I have spun up a starting Express application with Prisma and the schema, allowing me to continue building out the application. I chose TypeScript for its type-safety guarantee and the extensive standard library provided by JavaScript, and I chose the Express framework because it has great support for API endpoint development, which will form the vast majority of the backend work.
In the coming week, I will implement and bring online the first few API endpoints, allowing for some rudimentary functionality and testing after integration.