DrawBuddy Poster
Ronald’s Status Report for April 30, 2022
This week I began the work of integrating the server code that I had with everyone else’s code and making sure that there were no errors. The server code is a crucial component of our project and it is prone to generating hard to find errors as it uses python try-except statements which make debugging errors difficult as when there are errors in a try-except they are ignored so if something is going wrong inside of them the program keeps running without saying what happened.
I think we are on task to finish by demo day.
Next week I will be working on finalizing some svg parser and data collection for the board.
Lisa’s Status Report for April 30, 2022
This week, I’ve mainly been working on finalizing features of the whiteboard. Mainly, there was a bug that I had to spend a lot of time debugging. It was related to the rotation and translate feature, as well as the group lines feature (the program would crash sometimes if I tried to group multiple lines at once, and then move them). I was able to fix out figure out what the issue was and resolve a few other bugs as well.
I also focused a lot on testing and making sure that there weren’t any other hidden bugs or edge cases that I might have missed. I’ve also been working with my team on the final poster and have started thinking about what to put on the video. I am on schedule so far and will continue testing and integrating my code with the rest of the team’s code, as well as working on the final video and preparing for the live demo.
Team Status Report for April 30, 2022
One risk that we face is any issues we might run into while integrating our individual components together. Other than that, our components are complete, and we will continue testing to root out any issues that we might discover while testing. Another concern is any network issues that might arise from out sockets/server-related code during the live demo, but we will acquire a router from Professor Savvides to account for that issue.
We are on schedule. Our current schedule is the same as what was shown in the last team status report. We are mainly focusing on integrating and testing this week, and smoothing out any final issues that pop up during the process. We are also working on the poster and planning what to put in our final video.