This week, our team was able to almost complete the mat. The rest of the time revolved around preparing for the final presentation and testing the subsystems of our project.
On Monday, we decided to discuss the content for the final presentation and delegated the slides between each team member. We will be meeting this Sunday morning to go over them together and deliberate if any changes need to be made.
On Wednesday, we focused our attention to testing. We tested the RPi system with Joseph’s assistance and tested if our game could run on a different display screen other than our individual laptops. In terms of mat, we tried testing the different buttons of the mat. Due to not having headers, there were some complications and we could only test the UP button. However, we conducted several tests for coverage and error rate of the button and had pleasant results.
On Friday, we met in TechSpark to construct the mat and work on crimping connector to FSRs. Spandan and Caio handled the former while the latter was primarily taken care of by Tushhar. One of the changes we made regarding the construction of the mat was to forego sewing and instead use velcro on all sides of the buttons. This greatly accelerated our construction process and the following images demonstrate this:

All the buttons are now placed and their wires can be easily inserted into the perfboard. We are currently on schedule and will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the tasks needed to be completed during the upcoming week. Primarily, we plan to do a lot of user testing and test the game as a whole.