Author: dwang3

Team Status Report 04/30/2022

This week we spent our time on finishing up the testing of our device, finishing touches on the front end application, and cleaning up some of the issues with the smart contract. We have our final poster due tomorrow, and thus we spent and will be spending most our time on wrapping up the final poster. We are also getting started on the final paper and video that is due very soon. We are on schedule with our tasks.

David’s Status Report 04/30/2022

This week we had our final presentation, and thus I spent time on practicing and also preparing the slide deck for this presentation. Furthermore, we also have our final poster, video, demo, and paper due. I began making progress towards our final paper and splitting up the work that is ahead of us. The final paper will include changes from the feedback of our our initial proposal. Finally, we also did a bit more testing on our device to clean up the heart rate monitor problems that we were having. I am currently on schedule.

David’s Status Report 04/23/2022

This past week I spent some time working on the front end application by cleaning up the display for users, such as truncating the number to a certain amount of decimal places, because one feedback we got from user testing was that the users typically would not need to know 10 decimal places accuracy of the movement acceleration. Furthermore, I worked with Austin figuring out what the layout for the physical device should be structured. Finally, I also worked on on the presentation for our final presentation and also rehearsing what to say and communicate during our final presentation.

Team Status Report 04/16/2022

This week as a team we worked together to wrap up integration of the project. We worked on the soldering of new heart rate device, the algorithm of data coming in, and also the front end user feedback. In the coming week, we will be working closely with some of our friends who have not used this app, to test out our device and application to see what are the tweaks needed in the algorithm, user experience, and any changes on the hardware devices.

David’s Status Report 04/16/2022

This past week I worked on finishing up the front end integration with the Smart contract, allowing the front end application to call multiple functions in the smart contract, obtaining the user’s information. I also worked on a timer on the front end application such that it is able to keep track and provide the user with consistent feedback while using our application.

I am on schedule with my parts and we will work together with some of random users to conduct testing and figure out what algorithmic changes we need to fix and also what are the different user interfaces that could be changed to improve the User Experience.

David’s Status Report 04/10/2022

This week, we had our presentations for our checkpoint. As mentioned in the checkpoint, I have been working on the front end application, and more specifically, the integration between front end application with the smart contracts and hardware. Currently, I finished up the signin page to the smart contract with a redirect option for logging into the smart contract. Next, we will be calling functions on the front end application to the smart contract to get the number of tokens and also notifying the smart contract about our focus score.

Team Status Report 04/02/2022

This past week we each continued working on our respective parts and also began the integration process. The bluetooth integration was working until the circuit burned out so we are going to use a cable connection for the time being. The smart contract integration is completed on the desktop application but we still need a url for the exact connect. We are on schedule for the most part and can soon start testing the entire device as a whole in the upcoming week.

David’s Status Report 04/02/2022

This past week I worked on the integrations between the smart contract and the desktop application. The main challenge in this part of integration was going through and understanding the Near blockchain, and its innate capabilities. The Near blockchain has various functions such as accounts, wallets, and connection functions. The connection functions have been implemented, and I am currently waiting for a few final touches on the smart contract so that we have an actual smart contract link to connect on the test net. I will work closely with Lev in the following week to finish up the integration between smart contract hardware and desktop app.

David Status Report 03/26/22

This week, I fully wrapped up the react app on the front end and is ready to integrate with the other parts of the project. I created three main components that we will see on the front end. First is the home page which allows us to see how many tokens and sessions we have. This page will also lead us to a login page if we do not have any credentials inputted yet. This page will also allow us to start a pomodoro session. In the log in page, the user is able to input their user id and password and log into their own account. In the session page, the user will be able to monitor their heart rate, movement, and sound, and also the time that has elapsed.

In the coming week, I will be working closely with Lev to integrate the different components together so that we will be ready for the demo.