This week I finished working on the design of the housing and layout, and wiring of the belt clipped device and I drew a schematic of the wiring in my favorite drawing software (see Exhibit A) I purchased the arduino shield and connectors. I also finished building the belt clipped device (see Exhibit B). This was where the bulk of my time was spent this week.
I started out by cutting a square hole for the ardunio programming cable. This took a very long time as I had to measure exactly where to put the hole and cut it out using an x-acto knife. In the beginning, I had a very hard time crimping the wires correctly to place into the connector. After crimping the wires, connecting them to the breadboard and into the terminal blocks was pretty quick. I estimate this entire process took me around 6 hours.
Next week, I will finish the final presentation, start putting the final touches on the prototype, and start working on the final report.