This week, I created the listener class that binds to the events from the EMG that Jean had worked on. With this, the shoulder events will be connected to the frontend and the user will be able to perform more actions. I also added functionality to simulate key presses and mouse clicks so that the application can work as a standalone keyboard and mouse for all applications (eg. Chrome, Notes). There is a small bug with the Pynput library and the key press and release of uppercase letters and special characters, and I will work on fixing that this week. I changed the layout of the keyboard to have the ‘Cursor’ button be the focus key when the application first starts so the user can use the EMG to move the mouse to the area they would like to select to start typing. I ran into a slight problem about how to change the EMG mode from moving the cursor to moving keys on the keyboard and will work on fixing that problem after consulting with my team this week. For now, I made it so that the mouse click maps to a triple blink. There will be an updated mapping to all the actions we plan to include. This was a change from my plan to create an extension from last week because creating a Chrome extension would mean porting the existing Python code to Javascript. I am currently on track and will be working on the two problems I identified this week.