This week the team worked on finalizing some PCB design. I focused more on the app side. I have not previously made any cross platform apps so I spent some time reading about our decision with Flutter. I set up the software and I read a little about the UI portion of the documentation: widgets, animations (which we will need to display live graphs of espresso pulls). Also looked into the JSON backend.
Team Status Report for 2/20
This week we worked on the design proposal, created a list of requirements, and started on PCB design. We did research on the best and most cost effective components for our design and created a Bill of Materials. The materials included a load cell, load cell amplifier, load cell connector and terminal block, voltage supervisor, JTAG, STM32, and others. We did some research on various cross platform app frameworks and decided on Flutter. We also created a Gantt chart and divided tasks between the three of us. In terms of PCB design: .
Harper’s Status Report for 2/20
During the first week I worked with the team to establish the beginning of our PCB bill of materials. I then took that and created the EAGLE footprints we need and put them together in the schematic. This required selecting which STM32 we’re to use as well as reading through the datasheet to verify which peripheral components we needed. I selected the STM32F423 for it’s compact blueprint and internal LDO. At this point we now have the JTAG connector, load cell/i2c, and voltage regulation laid out with the stm32. Once we have the interface buttons, LCD, and bluetooth setup we can do the layout and hopefully order the PCB next week.
Stefan’s Status Report for 2/20
For the first week of the project, I looked into refining the requirements of our project. We looked at making the BOM for the PCB so that we can place an order ASAP. Next in line is finding a good LCD display + driver to finish off the list of components. We decided on a framework (Flutter), and I did some research on the best way to make cross platform apps. I am going to start working with the team to design the layout of the PCB and the housing, so that we can hit the ground running when it arrives.
Archana’s Status Report for 2/20
This week I focused on researching the various topics described in the design proposal guidance. I helped in searching for the required components for our design, such as the load sensor. I did the website setup and worked on the slides for the design proposal. It was helpful to spend some time thinking about the requirements for a user of our product. I looked into the arts of espresso making and understanding the details helped me understand the requirements. As a team, we did a BoM and discussed division of labor and various testing strategies. I started to look into Eagle, which is the PCB design software that we have decided to use, and get familiar with it. I also started reading the documentation for Flutter, which is the multi platform app framework that we have tentatively decided to use.