Hiroko’s Status Report for 3/6

This week, I continued to do more research on the specific types of sensors and equipment that we would need to physically build the greenhouse system. Using the information I gathered and the feedback we got from our weekly meeting with the instructors, I refined the shopping list and block diagram that I created last week. After that, I filled out the purchase request forms for the items on the updated shopping list, and filled out the form to request TechSpark access in order to wire the sensors to the ESP32 and solder the temperature sensor. 

While processing our purchase request forms, Quinn contacted me about our order from Home Depot saying that it may be better for me to pick the items up directly from Home Depot since Home Depot uses their own drivers, which requires us to arrange a specific delivery date and time to receive the order. Therefore, I took the bus to the Wilkins Home Depot in order to pick up the LED plant grow lights on Friday. I was also able to drop by HH 1307 in order to pick up a breadboard and some wires on Friday as well.

Also, we spent time this week putting together the design review presentation slides. I added the slides that had to do with the hardware aspect of our project, and created a visual image of what I imagine the greenhouse will look like when it’s assembled.

Overall, I think I am on schedule. I’m hoping that the orders will start arriving next week, so that I can start assembling the greenhouse and programming the ESP32 boards. I will also be working on the design review report next week with my teammates.

Hiroko’s Status Report for 2/27

This week, I practiced presenting our proposal presentation earlier in the week, and continued to do more research on the specific types of sensors and equipment that we would need to physically build the greenhouse system. Using the information I gathered on these topics, I started to create the block diagram for the hardware side of the greenhouse. Drawing the diagram helped me break down the project into smaller parts, and helped me think about the small details that I hadn’t noticed before.


Also, taking into account the feedback that we received from our status reports that we submitted last week, I created a rough shopping list of the parts that we would need to build the greenhouse (excluding the camera, since Sarah is in charge of them). There definitely needs to be more work done on the shopping list, since I need to contact the ECE lab to see if I can borrow some parts, and I realized there are some parts that I do not know if I need them until I start building the greenhouse.

Overall, I think I am on schedule. Next week, I hope to complete the shopping list by communicating with the TA and the ECE lab technician, and start submitting purchase request forms. Also, I would like to finalize my block diagram and integrate it with the software side of the project, and work on other parts of the design review presentation slides.

Hiroko’s Status Report for 2/20

This week, I did some more research on the specific types of sensors and equipment that we would need to physically build a greenhouse system. Since we need to send the sensor data and commands to the system over wifi, I looked into “smart” sensors and water irrigation systems that come with the capacity to connect to wifi, as well as ways to connect analog sensors to wifi using various equipment such as RPi, STM32, ESP32, Arduino Uno, etc. We needed to decide on how we were going to water the plants, so I did some research on the pros and cons of various watering systems such as sprinklers, drip irrigation, surface irrigation, etc.

We also took into consideration the feedback we got from our abstract and decided we needed a more quantitative requirement for our greenhouse. Using the research Sarah did on plants, specifically pea shoots, I came up with specific metrics (temp, soil moisture percentage, light intensity) to determine the success and effectiveness of the greenhouse.

Using the information I gathered on these topics, I created slides in the proposal presentation that had to do with the hardware and sensor systems of our project. Overall, we are on schedule to submit our proposal presentation slides on time and give our presentation next Tuesday.

Next week, I hope to narrow down the equipment that we need for our project by doing more research and receiving feedback from our proposal presentation. I plan on making a spreadsheet with specs and prices of the various components to make sure we have everything that we need within the budget. I also plan on looking up documentation and repos of similar projects that are online.

Kanon’s Status Report for 2/20

This week, as my other teammates have, I worked on making a proposal presentation slides and did some research about receiving/ sending data between arduino and a website using wifi. There are already many similar projects to ours so I went through their projects and saw what kind of difficulties they had and how they overcame them so that if we face a similar issue, it would be much easier to deal with it. From looking at these sources, it seems like using arduino and ESP with AWS DynamoDB is a good idea to receive/send data between hardware and software.

I’ve also thought about some basic web designs that can be used for our application but I would like to dive deeper into this because our web application should be really intuitive to use, and I want to keep it as concise as possible.

Next week, I will start working on coding the basic structure of the web application (HTML + CSS) and research about how I should set up DynamoDB and link that to our backend (JS / Django).

Sarah’s Status Report for 2/20

This week, I went into deeper research on what environmental factors we need to consider for the growth of plants in a greenhouse. I specifically researched pea shoots. We took into consideration the feedback we got from our abstract and divided up work from the feedback, specifically I addressed the RealSense camera being too expensive and possibly not necessary for the scope of the project, clarification about whether we would be training ML models or implementing a CV application, and choosing plants that would be best for testing in the time frame we have. After thorough research, I found the pea shoot to work best for our project as it is ready to harvest as soon as 3 weeks, and if the pea shoot is successful we can look into including more quickly growing plants for our tests. We decided to go in the CV application direction by detecting growth stages and defects of plants based on plant color, size, and shape. We decided with using cheaper but still high quality cameras like the RPi IR-Cut Camera V2, which also has night vision. Below is a link of the progress we made this week to build our presentation, with each member’s research underneath their name.


After researching further from Monday, on Wednesday we began creating the proposal presentation. I worked on clarifying the use case in our introduction, the computer vision and live stream monitoring requirements points, the testing process, quantitative results we expect when working with pea shoots, technical challenges we may find in the computer vision application, and the tasks on my part. We met on Friday to check in with each other’s progress and to clear up any confusion about the proposal.

Currently, we are on schedule as our team just finished our proposal presentation slides and submitted it to Abha for critique. We are hoping Abha will get back to us about it tomorrow and before submitting the slides the group can meet one more time to practice the pitch.

Next week, we hope to start on the design documentation and receive more feedback from other TAs and professors. I also plan on getting familiar with OpenCV by messing around with the library on my computer locally, and researching more on cameras and boards that would suit the requirements of the CV application.

Team Status Report for 2/20

The significant risks that we face at this point in our project is to make the scope too large or too small, and to misjudge the requirements that we determine are necessary for our greenhouse to be effective. In order to manage these risks, we are doing as much research as we can, and making sure that we communicate with each other so that we are all on the same page about the envisionment of the final product. Also, we are planning to discuss and reflect the feedback that we get from our project proposal presentation to ensure that our scope, requirements, and overall future plans are on track.
This week, we came up with a more concrete design of our system with more quantitative requirements and testing metrics to add to the project proposal presentation. We also created a broad schedule to split up the work between each team member and into smaller tasks.