This week, we started to work on writing the design review report, and continued implementing our subsystems. We split up sections of the report for each of us to write a draft for, and plan on meeting on Monday to edit a draft of our report.
Hiroko started to physically put the greenhouse together since she received all of her orders, and was able to upload code onto the ESP32 board to read data from the sensors.
Kanon worked on practicing for the design review presentation and setting up dynamoDB.
Sarah connected the IR-Cut camera to the Raspberry Pi, created a webcam connection to the laptop with the MicroSD card, and researched tutorials on how to perform CV analysis on live streaming images.
After receiving feedback from our design review presentation, we’ve realized that we need to figure out how to make sure that water won’t get into the electrical parts within our greenhouse. We might need to design a PCB and/or enclosing case for our electrical parts, which might alter our current design.
There is no update to our schedule, but given that we were all busy and spent a lot of time writing the design review report, we were not able to make as much progress on our individual components as we would have liked to. Next week, we plan on finishing up the design review report, and make further progress working on our individual subsystems.