Final Presentation
Final Poster

Aryan’s Status Report (05/08)
This week I primarily worked on the final poster for our deliverable on Monday. As well as this I storyboarded ideas for the final video and we feel comfortable now as to the structure of our video and are ready to record on Sunday/Monday.
As well as this I also worked extensively alongside Tom to finalize the logic for our stirring rod and began to implement the parts. We have one servo motor to lower the stirrer and one more to actually rotate the rod and stir the liquid. As well as this we also built an additional shelf to hold the dispensing tubes for the final drink.
We are all very excited to complete the project and can’t wait to publish the video and share it with everyone
Aryan’s Status Report (05/01)
This week I worked with Tom to build the sliding platform outside of the enclosure as it is not required for the MVP presentation next week. We were able to code the program to run the stepper motor and now need to calibrate it to stop right under the dispenser to ensure 100% pouring accuracy.
I also worked independently on completing all the slides for the final presentation that we have to perform on Monday. We will be including videos and photos to show the professors and our class mates on how our progress and product perform.
Plans for the nect week including adding user data tracking and stats creation functionality within the iOS app which both me and Tyler will take lead on.
Final Presentation Slides
Aryan’s Status Report (04/25)
This week I worked with Tom to finish constructing the overall outer casing of the machine as well as the platform to hold the peristaltic pumps and servos and the breadboard and Bluetooth modules (Tom has attached photo).
As well as this I worked in the machine shop on campus to cut down the aluminum rods (used for the sliding platform) and also built the platform for the drinks (a platform that will hold the actual glass) and be used on the sliding platform.
This weekend was rough to meet as Tom and Tyler live together and another member of their house tested positive for Covid-19 hence we were unable to actually assemble the sliding platform however every individual part was measured and cut from the plywood and ready to install and assemble as soon as the quarantine period for Tyler and Tom is complete.
Aryan’s Status Report (04/10)
This week I worked on creating the UI as well as the functionality of the homepage wherein authenticated users are able to place the drink orders on the app. This homepage will process the orders using Bluetooth (which Tyler worked on implementing.) As well as this I also finalized the drinks data model page which stores essential information about every drink such as name, calories, alcohols, mixers, and overall drink rating.

In addition to this, in preparation for the demo next week I also reviewed and updated the Gant chart and communicated with both Tyler and Tom about the progress we have made and whether we are on track or not and the areas that we should push and prioritize more in order to meet all the deadlines required.
Aryan’s Status Report 4/3
This week I worked closely with Tyler to finish the fundamental implementation of the application. While Tyler worked on the UI and the navigation from screens, I was working on the database implementation and database modeling section. I had to read a lot of swift and Xcode documentation to understand how this works as I had no prior experience in using swift or Xcode.
The database is Implemented with built-in SwiftUI features, and is native to Xcode and hence is much easier to integrate that third-party data bases such as my mySQL sqlLite. Overall I’m very happy with this week’s progress as these were the toughest stages in app development. The plan for the next week is to work on hard coding drinks data and ingredients data so as to create pages where users can choose a drink. Following this, our plan will be to integrate Bluetooth connectivity from app to robot in order for the user To be able to communicate with the robot.
Team Status Report (03/20)
This week we all met on Monday to sort through our package that arrived the previous week and we wanted to ensure that we received all required parts and begin to separate and go through them to ensure we did not need any further parts. However, while doing this process we realized we had forgotten to order a few parts needed for connection between devices and motors and hence added an updated version to our order list which we will place with Quinn next week. The list is below:
As well as this we worked on our design presentation and finished it. We first outlined the entire report and split up the categories as we felt was logical. Tyler and Aryan primarily worked on the software layer and redesigned the software system diagram and Tom worked on the System Diagram and Object Model as well as lower-level diagram of the wiring between Bluetooth module ELAGOO MEGA and the motors. We all evenly split up the other sections of the report such as design requirements, risk mitigation, project management and budget. Our detailed report can be found on the website as well.
We’re all very excited to begin the implementation stage and hopefully share some working motors videos to you next week!