This week I began making progress towards completing our design report. After going over the feedback from our design presentation and receiving our initial order of parts, I realized we had overlooked a few components.
- The DC power supply we ordered supplies 9V, but our peristaltic pumps require 12V. We also need a capacitor to connect the the power supply
- The DC power supply needs a DC barrel jack to connect to our breadboard
- I read through some example projects using the peristaltic pumps we order as well as the pump’s datasheet and both recommend using bridge drivers with the pumps
I’ll be working to get a new order ready by early next week, just in case we overlooked anything else.
I also updated our hardware diagram. It now shows all wire connections between components and shows exactly which components interface with one another.
Since the parts just arrive this Friday, I’m a bit behind on setting up some of the components, such as cutting/adding the tubing to the pumps. This upcoming week, I’ll be working to finalize our design report as well as starting to set up our hardware components.