Our parts arrived this week! We went through all of them and ensured everything we ordered was there (which they were!).
The feedback from our design proposal presentation made us realize we were missing a lot of detail about our design, so we spent the first part of the week ironing out some of the wrinkles. We noticed that we were going to need to order some parts we previously neglected and will organize and send an order hopefully sometime next week.
Our previous thoughts on implementing the bottle casing had us thinking we would use valves and hold the bottles upside-down for dispensing. After some thought we chose to use peristaltic pumps in lieu of valves, removing the need to create a structure that could support multiple inverted bottles.
Receiving the majority of our parts was a huge milestone for us, as now we can begin the building phase of the project. We hope to begin building the casing to house the hardware and bottles and are waiting only on the wood we ordered to arrive in order to start. However, if the wood does not end up coming soon, we will begin work on the hardware and software components.
In the coming week, we will be finishing our design report and beginning to work on the construction of our project.