- I finalized my share of work this week.
- From the papers of past similar projects I have read, the memory constraint came up as a technical challenge. I did more research on the feasibility and necessity of using an external memory on FPGA, did some back of envelop calculation, and talked with Professor Sullivan about the type of available FPGA. I think we most likely would not need the external memory if we three can all get DE2-115, although if only DE0-CV has enough supply for all of us, the external memory may be necessary.
- Collaboratively my teammate and I completed the proposal presentation slides, and I formatted the slides so it looks professional.
- I set up the project github repo for the code base.
We are still in the proposal stage, and our presentation slide/preparation is on track for the Proposal Presentation next week.
I plan to set up the simulation environment for the team and start on random number generation scripting and simulation.