This past week, our team finished up our design review presentation; we also went over the feedback from the project proposal presentation and incorporated it into our project. Cambrea set up the respeaker and created a set of test audio data. Ellen tested the ML software on the test data and eliminated one of the ML options that we considered, and investigated the other option that Abha, our TA, suggested. Mitchell continued working on the website.
Some parts of our schedule have been shuffled around earlier as we got our hardware earlier than expected, but according to our modified schedule, we are still on schedule. We did encounter a risk this week. We spent a time chasing models that are duds and we eliminated it by testing early and finding alternatives. One of the models had a 100% error rate. Design change wise, we also are adding a LED indicator when audio is not being picked up and audio preprocessing for the ML. Next week, we will be finishing up our design report and continue our first phase.