Month: May 2021
Ellen’s Status Report for May 8
There is not much to report this week. Listened to final presentations, made the poster, and filmed more content for the video. Next week we will be setting up demo, doing demo, and submitting final paper!
Mitchell’s Status Report for May 8
This week I presented the final project presentation. I have also been working on the final video, final report, and poster. I am using iMovie to edit the clips and voiceovers for the videos we used.
We are finished with creating the project, so we don’t have any significant risks, changes to the design, or changes to the gantt chart.
I am using iMovie to edit our video, as shown below. I am using the cutaway with some transparency to sync the video and transcript.
Cambrea’s Status Report for May 8
This week I have been working on our final report and we have also been filming our final video, and we have finished the poster.
We are on schedule for completing all documents for May 10.
For the demo next week and plan on including a live demo of our product with the poster.
Team Status Report for May 8
This week we finished the final project presentation. We have also been working on the final video, final report, and poster.
We are finished with creating the project and we are just working on the end documentation so we don’t have any significant risks, changes to the design, or changes to the gantt chart.
We are using iMovie to edit our video shown here