Last week our team had finished our individual components, Cambrea finished audio streaming between raspberry pi and server, Ellen finished speech to text, and speaker identification ML, and Mitchell finished the database and website setup and transcript streaming. This week our team has focused heavily on complete system integration and testing. We have completed the connections between all components and have real transcript streaming to the website of the input audio from users. We are currently working on improving our speaker identification during the setup phase of the meeting.
Our main risk for right now is that the direction of arrival data from the speaker can have a small fluctuation during the time that a speaker changes or during the time that a speaker is speaking. This fluctuation is mainly affecting our setup phase for when we register speakers to be identified by the speaker identification ML. During the setup phase we rely on the DOA to determine if a new speaker should be registered with the system. We are currently fixing and testing this by only saying that a new speaker should be registered if a new DOA is detected and also if there is a significant amount of audio coming from that direction. This will work to ignore small fluctuations of DOA.
Updated Gantt Chart Link
For our updated gantt chart, we have completed the task “Integration of RPi + Transcript + ML” half a week early so we are currently working on the task “Complete System Debugging / Testing”. Our current “complete system” for the demo uses a computer as the intermediary server that handles the speaker ML and transcript streaming. Ellen is working on some ML improvements for integration and testing at this time. After the demo Cambrea and Mitchell will start the migration to using the AWS Server instead of our local computer for the task “AWS Migration”. For our latency testing and standard testing we will complete these during week 12 and 13 after we have migrated to AWS. We will start revising our final report the during week 11, and work on our final presentation and video during weeks 12-14.