This week I completed the server/client code to send and received audio data between the raspberry pi and the server. This server code here AWSServer
receives data from 2 separate audio devices and places the input into a queue to be sent out to the other audio device. So for example device one sends a packet to the server, this packet it put in to the queue and is sent to device 2.
The client code is here RPiClient
This code will package the audio information into a list which then is turned into a byte string, using the python library Pickle, so that it can be sent to the server. Pickle is used on the server side as well to unpackage the data. Input audio data is also placed on a queue to be played on the speaker for the users.
This week I also worked on the design report document, I have finished a draft of my sections, on Sunday I will revise this writing for a final draft so that we can discuss the document on Monday.
I am on schedule this week. Next week I will make the “Top” file for the raspberry pi to connect the client code and the audio I/O functions for the ReSpeaker, I will continue testing the code as I write it.