Jeanette’s Status Report for 5/8

This Week:

  • Did further real time testing with the device
  • Went to various crosswalks and used the device
  • Prepared for the final presentation

I went to various stoplight but the device has not been able to detect the state of the light from mostly the filters. Below are example photos:

The image of the cropped test 1 stoplight
Image of captured stoplight for test 2
Cropped image for stoplight for test 2
The image of the stoplight for test 1

Next week:

  • Work with Ricky to debug the filters
  • prepare final report, video, poster

Team Status Report 5/1

This week we integrated all our parts and debugged any issues that arouse

Risks and Mitigations

We found that the raspberry pi processor does not work quickly with the tensor flow application. Our latency is ~26 seconds which is way above what we expected. We are going to prioritize latency over accuracy as of now.


Down to the last week, we are going to clean up as many issues as possible. This includes latency and accuracy. We will finish up testing and prepare the powerpoint, poster, and video

Jeanette’s Status Report 5/1

This week:

  • Added Yasaswini and Ricky’s Code to existing python script
  • Downloaded necessary libraries fro tensorflow and opencv
  • Able to work connected to computer
  • Debugged headless application
  • Tried out different tensorflow installations to improve latency
  • Added quality sounds to the device

Video of everything:

Latency is still extremely high at ~26seconds per run

  • Tested at stoplight but did not work

image of stoplight at test location

Next Week:

  • Attempt to decrease latency
  • Connect device to belt
  • deliverables for finals week

Jeanette’s Status Report 4/10

This week:

  • Connected the camera and button to the raspberry pi
  • When the button is clicked, the camera will take a one second video
  • Tested the battery pack and was successful
  • Attempted to program the raspberry pi headlessly
  • Added sound to say “ready” when the button is pressed

Next week

  • Headlessly run the program successfully
  • test on actual street
  • connect the image processing from Ricky

Jeanette’s Status Report 4/3

This Week:

  • Completely set up the raspberry pi and virtual desktop
  • Connected the camera and tested videos
  • Acquired breadboard and button to connect to the raspberry pi
  • Researched implementations for next week

Next week:

  • Connect the switch
  • Connect the speaker
  • Press the button to enable a speech and take a 1 second video

Team Status Report for 3/27

This week:

  • Begin to set up AWS network
  • Research image processing techniques for circle recognition
  • Set up raspberry pi


  • We have had difficulty in setting up the AWS cloud
  • Delay in shipped goods (arrived on Thursday)


  • Updated schedule

Now that we have finished set up and received supplies we hope to make significant progress on our algorithms this week.

Jeanette’s Status Report 3/27

This Week:

  • helped Yasaswini debug the AWS set up
  • Notified TA of delayed shipping of parts
  • Research steps to set up raspberry pi to speed up process
  • Download the OS into the mini sd card

Next Week:

  • Finish and connect OS system set up for raspberry pi
  • Connect the camera
  • Take photos with camera and send to Ricky in order to test quality
  • Connect amplifier and speaker to the raspberry pi

Our parts were delayed a week more than expected so my progress was halted until then. Therefore, assembly is behind schedule but research should help speed thing sup next week.

Jeanette’s Status Report for 3/15

Things done this week:

For the first half of the week, I helped my team prep for the presentation, making sure everything was prepared for Monday. After, we worked on the design report and taking advice from our presentation. Then, we began to do working session to start on the project. I worked on gathering the mailed in parts and setting up the raspberry pi. However, I forgot to order some miscellaneous cords in order to set up the pi. Therefore, I am going to be delayed until those parts come in which will be Thursday.


Things for next week:

  • Help out Yasaswini and Ricky with any coding they need help with until Thursday
  • Work on the design report
  • Set up the raspberry pi
  • Connect the camera and speaker to the raspberry pi

Jeanette’s Status Report 3/6

Completed items

  • Finalized components list
  • Ordered Component
  • Created designs for Design Presentation
  • Reached out and interviewed with Visually Impaired person
  • Research Raspberry PI and OpenCV libraries

Items for next week

  • Fill out our Design Report
  • Download the necessary software
  • connect the camera and raspberry pi