This week was sort of a bigger jump for us because we really started to get more technical and start to think about implementation details and really hammer down some of the bigger pictures. To start we began by making an overall design structure and block diagram which we started by writing some pseudocode down. This I think was a good approach because me and Sean both tend to think better when we are interacting with some kind of programming. After we got a lot of the main interactions down we started to hash out some of the smaller details, for instance our original diagram has some blocks that just say “deblurring CNN” or “Video reconstruction” so we had to dive a little deeper into how we were actually planning on approach these tasks. For the CNN we have a pretty good outline of the layers we want to use and that we are going with an encoder/decoder structure to save time. That being said the video reconstruction design was challenging because this was something we didn’t really think we were going to have to do.


I think that our scheduling is going well, for now. We are really just in the design and planning phase so we don’t have to think too much outside of the box and we aren’t getting stuck on any implementation details so we have been to work according to our first pass at a working schedule. All in all I think this was a turning week for our project and I am excited to get the jetson board and start messing around with some code.


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