This week we got ready for the proposal presentation, which required firming up our requirements and planning out our team schedule. We spent a significant amount of time on the requirements, breaking them down for each subsystem (pre-amp, Bluetooth, power, UI, microcontroller), and also identifying overall system requirements. This process helped to more clearly define the project and our MVP goals.
We accounted for risk management in our master schedule, and so far do not anticipate any challenges that could jeopardize the success of our project. However, PCB production and shipping time is an unknown, but we assumed the worst-case reasonable time in our schedule, and we still have time for 2 iterations of the PCB. Since last week, we decided on specific effects to focus on (analog overdrive, digital EQ/chorus/reverb), certain aspects of the UI to deliver (USB-C charging), and performed a trade study to analyze component options for each subsystem. The next step is to create a budget and start ordering parts, which we look forward to doing next week!