REV 2 FABRICATION: As we continue the process of bringing up the Rev 1 PCB and developing appropriate software, I am recording errata to inform the updates that will become the Rev 2 board. So far the only major errata is a mis-connection of one of the LCD pins which incorrectly sets the mode to serial instead of parallel. The target to finalize the Rev 2 design was 4/9/2021, but we pushed it back to the middle of the upcoming week to allow more time for verification on the Rev 1 hardware. Due to the overall excellent performance of the two Rev 1 boards, this should not significantly impact our schedule.
REV 1 BRINGUP: This week, I played a major role in supporting the bringup of the remaining peripherals on Rev 1. I helped Xingran to properly set up and communicate with the ADC, and I helped Sam properly set up and communicate with the LCD screen. At this point, essentially all of the peripherals are functional; the only somewhat undetermined element on the critical path is communication with / programming the BM83, but new programming hardware should allow us to resolve this shortly.
In the coming week, I will continue to assist with hardware bringup and simultaneously complete the mechanical design for the “BARI BOX”.
Working on the LCD with Sam: