Lauren’s Status Report for 4/10

After wiring the sensors to a solderless breadboard, I found out that some of the connections were a bit loose, so I transferred all of the sensor wiring to a solderable breadboard, and soldered all of the wires on. I also soldered on all the connections for powering the circuit and connecting the sensor outputs to the Jetson Nano. This week, I also did background subtraction (making the top of the sensor platform white) by attaching 2 pieces of paper on top of them. This was possible because the capacitive sensors are unable to detect paper. I recalibrated some of the sensors again to glass and HDPE plastics, since some weren’t behaving as expected, which could be due to the fact that I calibrated the sensors sensitivity before attaching the pieces of paper to the top of them.

I’m on track for my progress, but may need to debug some circuit issues for the sensors, since there were a few bugs that popped up. I also need to retrain the image classifier model on AWS to improve our current image classification accuracy.

Next week, I hope to have the sensors ready for the interim demo and connected to the Jetson Nano.

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