Jenny Han’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

Jenny Han’s Status Report for 3/13/2021

This week my team and I met to discuss in detail the specs of our implementation of Magic Mice. Specifically, I helped design how the software would be laid out and how individual components would communicate with each other. I did this by doing more 

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/13/21

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/13/21

This week, I finalized the Design Presentation Slides, wrote speaker notes, and practiced/rehearsed my presentation. In doing so, I flushed out more details regarding metrics and validation with Jenny and Bradley. We received a lot of in-depth feedback for our presentation regarding content. Something important 

Team Status Report for 3/6/2021

Team Status Report for 3/6/2021

This week we worked on finalizing the design review presentation. We met 4 times this week to talk about the system design and making sure everyone had the same vision for the project. We finalized how each part was going to communicate with each other, 

Jade Wang’s Status Report For 3/6/2021

Jade Wang’s Status Report For 3/6/2021

This week, I met with Jenny and Bradley to refine more of our project details surrounding our testing, verification, and metrics after getting feedback from Professor Kim. We also ordered our parts and they should be arriving soon. I also did some research on the 

Bradley Zhou Status Report for 3/6/21

Bradley Zhou Status Report for 3/6/21

This week, I submitted purchase requests for all the components we needed. I also spent time working on the design presentation and diagrams with Jenny and Jade. I researched various libraries we could use for the user’s computer/OS to interact with the arduino. We also 

Jenny Han’s Status Report for 3/6/2021

Jenny Han’s Status Report for 3/6/2021

This week I finalized the Design Presentation. For this, I helped create a visual block diagram for our solution approach hardware and software versions. I also created the presentation visuals and speaker notes for the application area, project management, and metric validation slides.  I tried 

Team Status Report for 2/27/2021

Team Status Report for 2/27/2021

Overall, we are on track. The biggest risk for our project at the moment is if we mess up some part of our hardware and need to reorder different parts and try again. We decided to mitigate this by buying a couple of parts as 

Jenny Han’s Status Report for 2/27/2021

Jenny Han’s Status Report for 2/27/2021

This week I did research on the different technologies we should use to implement our project. Specifically, I looked into parts for the Arduino including the Bluetooth module, accelerometer, and projector. I also looked into how these parts would fit together and if there was 

Bradley Zhou’s status report for 2/27/21

Bradley Zhou’s status report for 2/27/21

This week, I did more in depth research on specific implementation details and design specifications. I revisited some of the previous decisions we had made, such as what Arduino modules for our pen and what libraries we would use for the gesture recognition. Previously, we 

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 2/27/2021

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 2/27/2021

This week, I researched the Arduino Pro Micro and HC-05 Bluetooth module compatibility. I looked into which pins should be connected to connect the two parts. I also created a Google Sheets to document our planned budget online. Additionally, I met with Jenny and Bradley.