Jade’s Status Report for 4/10/2021

Jade’s Status Report for 4/10/2021

This, week I worked on both the pen tracking algorithm and the hand gesture recognition algorithm. For the pen tracking algorithm, I tried out a Kalman filter for the acceleration readings from the MPU6050. I tried various parameters but it seemed like the Kalman filter 

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/20/21

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/20/21

This week, I worked on finishing our Design Report Document and turning that.  Additionally, I worked on the Python script to read data from Bluetooth data from the HC-05 module. I experimented with the PyBluez library and found several complications with the library and its 

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/13/21

Jade Wang’s Status Report for 3/13/21

This week, I finalized the Design Presentation Slides, wrote speaker notes, and practiced/rehearsed my presentation. In doing so, I flushed out more details regarding metrics and validation with Jenny and Bradley. We received a lot of in-depth feedback for our presentation regarding content. Something important