Month: April 2021

Bradley Zhou’s Status Report for 4/3/21

Bradley Zhou’s Status Report for 4/3/21

This week, I worked more on the pen tracking algorithm. I implemented a multithreaded producer/consumer queue model for the software (producer is arduino sending accelerometer/gyroscope readings and consumer is taking those readings to decide where to move the cursor). We ran into the expected problem 

Jade Wang’s Weekly Status for 4/3/2021

Jade Wang’s Weekly Status for 4/3/2021

This week, I worked with Bradley and Jenny to improve our pen tracking algorithm. We tried several methods to ensure the accuracy of the device. However, we ran into issues with the double integration and found that the error was magnified with integration. This week, 

Team Status Report for 4/3/2021

Team Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week we worked on the distance module and tried to ensure the accuracy of our own device. We tried to use double integration to calculate the displacement. However, using double integration caused a lot of error which made it challenging to use the pen device. We will try to refine the pen displacement formula this week or try a new approach with a GPS module or a openCV approach.

Other than the pen, this week we also worked on the gesture recognition to recognize the hand individually and also the computer click macros.

Overall, we believe we are in track to complete the project. This week we will prioritize the pen calibration to ensure that works with reasonable accuracy.

Jenny Han’s Weekly Status Report for 4/3/2021

Jenny Han’s Weekly Status Report for 4/3/2021

This week I worked on the calibration module and tried to get a reasonable accuracy with it. However,  my team ran into the issue that double integration over acceleration caused issues in the calibration because the integration emphasized the inaccuracy. To deal with this, we